My Opinion: Business and/or Social Bad Person

Such a person:

1. Buys into business concepts and practices [most of which are mostly unethical, unkind, and overall bad behaviours {not including illegal things]]
2. Plays office/business politics
3. Manipulates to make things look different than they are for their own advantage
4. Kisses up to various people for their own advantage
5. Makes others look bad for their own advantage [when not necessary or appropriate]
6. Try to carry their influence to outside of the work place when it is not appropriate or even correct in order to make themselves look good to others socially
7. Inappropriate judgement of others to cause harm
8. Try to involve others in bad behavior or support of such.
9. Try to make others to blame for their misdeeds or mistakes.
10. Considers others as furniture or purchased items to be used as desired and not as hired or associated with for specifically mutually agreed upon purposes.