A thought!

When one is young, one worries about being smart enough to get through school, college, and find a job.  When one gets old one does not worry about being smart enough, but does worry about getting dementia or senility and remembering for what they went to the kitchen.

USA leaders should be doing things that are good for the USA and its citizens

It should also be known:   In America, our leaders should be doing things that are good for America and its citizens and not things for themselves either in influence, power, revenge, getting into the news to make their name known or trouble making for the other party or parties.  They should not be in government to show how the other party/parties are awful or what they have done wrong, but are in government to do their jobs and try to make things better by passing laws, conducting themselves in a civil manner, investigating [things that actually need investigating and not just revenge or to make the other party/parties look bad], etc.  Elected government members are in office to do their jobs, not to just work on getting elected next time there is such an election and/or to work on getting the next position up on the governmental ladder.

It would be nice if a time slot was marked for electioneering and not be for the next 4 years after a major election.  Personally, I am sick of such for such a continuous long period of time.

There should be a peaceful transfer of positions and a smooth one [without “steal” remarks].  By the way, “steal” remarks are mostly saying to the American people that no one stole anything, but that one side did better at their manipulations, presentations, and sometimes trickery [which both sides in history have done].  Once a party is in a position in government, accept it, they did better at electioneering than you did.

Actually, I don’t understand why a person should be reelected or moved up the governmental ladder, if they are not doing their job in the first place.

World War III is inevitable.

World War III is inevitable because humans are selfish, have control issues, and power hungry as well as want other peoples stuff [like land, resources, and power].

History supports the concept that all humans know is war, violence, and horrid behavior to get their position in the World.

However, we are in 2023 now and going beyond and should learn that this direction for the future is stupid as now humans have weapons that can now destroy the World.  Enough countries have such weapons and developing new more powerful ones that anyone using such weapons would not actually win anything and would also be destroyed.  They do not seem to know that it is not going to be a one sided war which they can win and be OK and in charge of the World.  They do not seem to know that the World that would be left to rule, would be so contaminated and ruined that it would not be a reasonable place to exist.  They do not seem to care about their own citizens, themselves, or their children or their future life existence, if any.

This is 2023 and things of the past as well as methods of the past are no longer acceptable.  ALL countries should live in the century they are now in and culture they are now in and stay within their current borders.  Any country should be their own and not reclaimed because of past history.  Humans should help each other not destroy each other.

Humans have trouble ruling and leading their own currently existing country without trying to take over other countries.

Bottom line — Knowing humans, their methods, and goals, we [all humans] should have a mind set that World War III is going to happen and be prepared to deal with it [or the death from it].  The few that might  survive it alive will need the mind set that the World will not be a good place to live after World War III.

Personally, I am tired of being threatened with nuclear war and just accepting that we are headed toward it.  Those who threaten usually [eventually] do what they are threatening to do because they have already decided to do so.

Christian Naionalism is NOT Biblical !

Christian Nationalism is not Biblical. This is Satan’s World, and you and I will not change that “by getting out the vote” or resorting to violence. Don’t just believe me – open your Bible and look up John 14:30, 2 Corinthians 4: 3-4 and Ephesians 2: 2-3.

What is? ….. Jesus’ return and God’s Kingdom.

We have entered a time when God is going to deal with the World in the only terms it can understand.

Above is a quote from Tomorrow’s World Jan 2023 pages 2 & 3.
The end time events are not caused by God but by humans and when it gets bad enough that humans will destroy themselves, God will come to save humanity [not all humans as some will reject his salvation] — Apparently, humans need to get to this level of existence [eventual non-existence] before realizing their stupidity & accepting God’s ways.

You do NOT “understand the effects” of destroying the USA governmental system….

Those who want the USA to become a extremists, communist, fascist, dictatorial, white supremacist, or other such country do not realize what they will be living under if they are successful.  Do not destroy what is the American system without understanding the daisy chained effects of doing so.  There is not a good replacement for the system that exists in America.

Take a good look at how people are living in the dictatorial countries around the World.  The people are not doing well in any of them.  They do not have even the “rights” that we have in our [in need of improvement] Country [USA].

The only entity that can handle a dictatorial government [theocracy] is God via Jesus.  No human can do so.  Humans through history have proven it and are proving it NOW!



Parents must become a basic teacher AT HOME! [augment schooling]

Parents of the near future will have to become teachers at home in addition to any schooling a child receives.  Seems things are no longer being taught in school anymore.

If you do not teach your child, they may get wrong information on the “street” or not have the information when they need to use it.  If the parent does not teach their own children of these things, then the child will need to teach themselves of such [at some point of their life].

Some are:

  • Sex Education – a person does have a sexual choice even as a child.  [There is a choice even if one considers homosexuality wrong and ONLY God has the right to say no to it. – One should teach a child that with any sexual behavior there are consequences — even spiritual death or disease .]
  • Cursor Writing – [one might to read things written in the past when cursor was widely used]
  • Basic Math skills that are manual [in case there is not a calculator available or it malfunctions]
  • Spelling [ in case there is not an online dictionary available] or in any case so the correct word is to be found or know when it is found]
  • Ethics [not what businessmen or government relates as successful behavior]
  • Morals [not what businessmen or government relates as successful behavior]
  • Values [either family or religious]  – the difference between good and evil and how to choose which to actually do in life
  • Ability to say NO when needed and to DETERMINE the consequences and being ABLE AND WILLING to deal with them
  • Ones rights vs other people’s rights and parameters of each
  • Civics – both governmental and community
  • History [aspects that happened that are truly history – such as slavery, which happened, the Holocaust, which happened happened [not Jews fault], the Bible is real and truthful [what God’s way really is], and many other things
  • Books should NOT be burned even if a specific person or group does not want them read.  Others have the right to read what they want to read.  A child, when old enough [16 or above] has the right to choose their own reading material.
  • Your child is loved and accepted as is.  [not negating that an axe murder or molester is wrong] A person has to take the consequences of their own choices in behavior, concepts, reading, and/or sex.


It should be noted that one cannot use God to do your will even in concepts.  You should do things God’s way and do HIS WILL.

If you do not believe or teach your child about God or Family Values, then both you and the child must be ready to accept the consequences.

Trumpism — is NOT COMPATIBLE with God! — [and/or decent behavior & family values]

Trumpism and Trumpianistic:

Trumpism and being Trumpianistic is a term for the political ideologies, social emotions, style of governance, political movement and set of mechanisms for acquiring and keeping power that are associated with Donald Trump, and his political base.                   Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trumpism

[I added Trumpainistic as even if Trump followers no longer have Trump to follow, there are Trump want-a-be people and Trump-like behavor in officials and various general public members that will still be around long after Trump is retired or dead.


  • Lies [not even based on any tiny part of truth]
  • Threats
  • Instigation of Violence [in the public’s face no less]
  • Illegal Behaviors
  • Belief that one is above the law and does not need to comply with laws of the land.
  • Mean and hurtful verbal interactions with others especially women
  • Non-respectful of women [He thinks they liked to be groped and sexually assaulted as he think it is a pass because he dose not know the difference.]
  • Telling others what to think through threats and false influence
  • Radical and Insurrectionist Beliefs and Concepts
  • Anti-Democracy where everyone has a right to easily vote and speak their own point of view. [“Trumpism is greatest threat to American democracy since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor” per Philip S. Gorski]
  • Inappropriate strong arming officials, agencies, and the general public in a detrimental result
  • Childish, erratic, temperamental, authoritarian, angry-resentful-vengeful, berserk, insulting, and emotional in a damaging manner
  • No caring or advocating the rights of anyone but one’s self while walking over or destroying anyone else’s rights [Claiming amendment rights but keeping others from having the same rights]
  • Supporting fringe behavior such as white supremacist and other extreme groups
  • Haveing a World War II Hitler like relationship with Trump and blindly following such a Nazi type leader [following such behaviour instead of decent behavior or God, himself] [According to civil rights lawyer Burt Neuborne and political theorist William E. Connolly, Trumpist rhetoric employs tropes similar to those used by fascists in Germany to persuade citizens (at first a minority) to give up democracy, by using a barrage of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national-security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never-ending search for scapegoats. Neuborne found twenty parallel practices,[137] such as creating what amounts to an “alternate reality” in adherents’ minds, through direct communications, by nurturing a fawning mass media and by deriding scientists to erode the notion of objective truth;[138] organizing carefully orchestrated mass rallies;[139] bitterly attacking judges when legal cases are lost or rejected;[140] using an uninterrupted stream of lies, half-truths, insults, vituperation and innuendo designed to marginalize, demonize and eventually destroy opponents;[139] making jingoistic appeals to ultranationalist fervor;[139] and promising to slow, stop and even reverse the flow of “undesirable” ethnic groups who are cast as scapegoats for the nation’s ills ]
  • Lack of knowing good from bad [and teaching others and children such lack of knowledge including advocating that bad IS good and good IS bad]
  • Dark Corrupting Influence of others [keeping people from doing their jobs that they were elected to do ]
  • Discriminating on economic level, race, or where one lives
  • Transforming anxiety into anger and directing it at particular targets [dominance by reminding everybody of wrath AND force and others into submission thereby]
  • Creating barbaric, if not sub-human levels of consciousness with mindless anarchic goals [anarchic = with no controlling rules or principles to give order]
  • Creating a situation or atmosphere that is more combative and less ideological
  • Having and supporting narcissism [Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.]
  • Not complying with the rights of business owners to make rules for their establishments, business, media, etc. for the safety of other shoppers, users, or the safety of their business.  [Thinking your rights are more significant that anyone else’s rights to shop, eat, fly, post a message, etc.] [Obviously, businesses must follow legal laws for their businesses, but otherwise, they have the right to serve those whom they choose to serve: like refusing those who do not wear shoes, not bringing animals into a restaurant, not wearing a mask, not behaving in an appropriate manner, etc]
  • Destruction of property that is not yours or interfering with the operation of any system. [access to property or business, access to intersections or locations, vandalism, interference with normal operation of established functions]
  • Taking away other peoples rights and/or disregard for others rights.


By supporting Trump and his cohorts, you are aiding and abetting him/them in the above behavior and are therefore  active participants in such behaviors.
You are supporting and following Trump or Trumpianistic-behaviour and NOT God or family values !



{Trump is clearly stating that Christian groups are supporting him and extensively within his “base”.  I am clearly stating that you cannot be a practicing Christian and be in his “base” supporting and abetting him and his cohorts in this behavior.  At least other governmental groups do not flaunt their “shadowed” bad behavior publicly [on purpose] as good and appropriate behavior.  I know all governmental groups lie to the public on many occasions, but Trump and his cohorts are way over the line and flaunting such in our faces as good.  [I am a Christian and believe our country is great even it there are immense problems to solve AND I find this offensive.]

SUCH SO CALLED CHRISTIAN GROUPS MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN GOD OR TRUMP [or Trumpianistic-behaviours as God and Trump/Trumpianistic-behaviours] as God and this behaviour  are not compatible.

A Christian Group should have righteous indignation regarding this kind of behavior and not aid and support it.

Great Grandfather Albert Smith


In the late 1800’s, Albert Smith was a territorial guide for Fort Ticonderoga

He later had a farm in the Webb Mills, NY, area.  He cleared his own farm and 3 farmlands for his children.  He raised pigs.  He had a barn with a pig area on the lower level and a drinking establishment above with rooms on the next floor.  Ladies were welcome, but had to come accompanied by men.  He was a hard working man.  He married two women.  His first wife died and Elsie Cook went to live for a while with her Aunt Stilson.  Albert Smith is buried at Webb Mills Cemetery.


If Ukraine is not victorious over Russian invasion, then we [NATO and USA] are not doing enough!

If Ukraine is not victorious over Russian invasion, then we [NATO and USA] are not doing enough!  It seems to me that with the weapons and military knowledge that Europe and the USA have that they would be able to figure out a method of regaining much of Ukraine territory.  There are 4 branches of USA military with lots of experienced staff/soldiers and it seems to me that along with governmental agencies, that the Ukraine could be supported in a much more effective and timely manner.

If the Ukraine needs more or better weapons, they should have received such ALREADY and be equipped to use them in an adequate manner.

I can understand the possible need to relinquish some territorial areas to save Russian “face”, even though it should not actually happen as they are the ones in the wrong in Ukraine.  However, Russia seems to want much more territory and I don’t think they will stop at the Eastern locations and they are now in the Southern locations too. Ukraine should be helped [at whatever cost] to retake the Southern locations and at least keep Russia at the limited Eastern locations.  However, if Russia keeps any Ukraine territory, they will restart a war at some future time and take more and more Ukraine territory.  Also, it will not stop there.  They are threatening Poland and Finland already and NATO in general.

NATO and the USA should stop being so weak and untimely in response to the needs of the Ukraine.  It seems that the time lapse between promise and delivery is too long and cumbersome.

Also, if the Ukraine needs more boots on the ground, a way should be found to do so.  Russia cannot be allowed to win this “invasion”.

Russia and China should be smart enough to not even threaten Nuclear War!

If Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and other such countries think we [and Europe Nato] are weak and cannot handle the Ukraine War, they will consider us willing to compromise and give in to their wishes instead of adequately fighting them or helping others to fight them and win.  They will take more and more territory and even continue to attach our Country from within and without until they destroy us and/or Europe.

If the USA and NATO do not help Ukraine win in the Ukraine and find a way to stop their aggression, such countries will become more aggressive and dangerous considering us too weak to stop them from doing anything they want to do.

If the Ukraine give territory up to Russia to get peace, in a year or a few years, Russia will create war again and take more territory and even move into other Eastern Countries eventually — piece by piece.  We should do all we can do now to save ourselves more trouble later. Nuclear War will include all the Earth and not just the countries Russia or other such countries bomb.  Do they not know that they too will be contaminated and destroyed?  Being in a bomb shelter only mean [at best] that ones in it come out to contamination and destruction if they come out at all.  Of all groups, China and Russia should be smart enough to know that if they threaten such a war that they too will not survive it.  I can understand North Korea and Iran and other such groups not understanding this concept as they are not as advanced as Russia and China, but Russia and China should be smart enough to know they should not threaten such a War.  It is no longer World War II where only one country has the bomb. Now there would be massive response everywhere. Also, air move about the whole planet and nothing stays in one place and will even move into their country.