Russia and China should be smart enough to not even threaten Nuclear War!

If Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and other such countries think we [and Europe Nato] are weak and cannot handle the Ukraine War, they will consider us willing to compromise and give in to their wishes instead of adequately fighting them or helping others to fight them and win.  They will take more and more territory and even continue to attach our Country from within and without until they destroy us and/or Europe.

If the USA and NATO do not help Ukraine win in the Ukraine and find a way to stop their aggression, such countries will become more aggressive and dangerous considering us too weak to stop them from doing anything they want to do.

If the Ukraine give territory up to Russia to get peace, in a year or a few years, Russia will create war again and take more territory and even move into other Eastern Countries eventually — piece by piece.  We should do all we can do now to save ourselves more trouble later. Nuclear War will include all the Earth and not just the countries Russia or other such countries bomb.  Do they not know that they too will be contaminated and destroyed?  Being in a bomb shelter only mean [at best] that ones in it come out to contamination and destruction if they come out at all.  Of all groups, China and Russia should be smart enough to know that if they threaten such a war that they too will not survive it.  I can understand North Korea and Iran and other such groups not understanding this concept as they are not as advanced as Russia and China, but Russia and China should be smart enough to know they should not threaten such a War.  It is no longer World War II where only one country has the bomb. Now there would be massive response everywhere. Also, air move about the whole planet and nothing stays in one place and will even move into their country.