Biden and/or Democrats are not to blame for everything for which they are blamed!

Biden and/or Democrats are not to blame for everything for which they are blamed!

Many things Biden and the Democrats are blamed for are actually not their fault and they can do nothing about some of these things.

The economy is mostly the fault of Republicans [past and present] who refuse to support American policies and are being investigative.  Covid-19 and variants and the lack of reasonable health behavior by selfish and belligerent citizens of which a few can do a lot of damage.  Business is also to blame for not having manufacturing, store, office, etc practices that make business a difficult problem during illnesses and diseases as well a desire to not follow the laws or behaviors that protect citizens [workers, shoppers, etc].

Violence is mostly the fault of Republicans [past and present] who refuse to support American policies and are being investigative.  Covid-19 and variants and the lack of reasonable health behavior by selfish and belligerent citizens of which a few can do a lot of damage.  People are frustrate and acting in the ways they see a lot of upper governmental officials behaving [aggressive, not following social norms, angry, threatening, etc] as well as World leaders.  It seems if you want something, you just take it these days.  We see even election rallies advocating violence, anger, and aggressiveness to the extreme.  World leaders are seen to want something and getting it through violence, threats, and bad behavior.  They all get away with such behavior, it seems.

Health solutions are influenced by selfish and/or lazy citizens not wanting to be inconvenienced or those who do not care about others even their own families.

Voting rights are being walked over or disregarded.  These days, it seems, that winning is more important than how one wins.  Voting districts changed, votes not being counted or changed, difficult rules to vote, people being put in place to control and change outcomes, and lies/misinformation spread are all normal these days.  BOTH PARTIES are to blame for this problem at all levels of government.

Abortion rights are aggressively being walked over or banned.  Those in charge over power the majority of people in their own state or community and force their wants over others.  It seems to be based on what party is in power in what state or area and not on what is right or wrong.  Aggressiveness and violence seems to be threatened if not followed.

THE ABOVE THINGS ARE NOT necessarily the fault of Biden or the Democrats, but influenced by selfish, aggressive groups.