Category: Maga-Hydra/Trump

Trump will it be resistance or appeasement to Russia/China?

“The question now for Trump is whether he will be Churchillian in resisting Europe’s new Hitler-like tyrant with an appetite for other nations’ territories, or act in the mode of Chamberlain and decide the conflict in a “faraway” country is of no concern.”

from article — Opinion: Will Trump play the role of Churchill in Ukraine, or of Chamberlain?


Trump will it be — Resistance [Churchill] or appeasement [Chamberlain]?


In my opinion:

It seems Trump plans on appeasement to Putin [Russia] in regards to Ukraine.

Trump seems obsessed with Putin and his power and method of rule of Russia.

China’s Xi Jinping is invited by Trump to his inauguration shows Trump is leaning toward dictators and communisium/socialism.

Do not use Trump as an example of what to do anywhere in anything!

No one should use Trump as an example of how to do or behave in business, their personal life, or politics.  He is not a good example and will make the World a worse place to live in the near future.

However, one can see why the young in the USA would think crime is a thing to do as Trump does it and gets away with with it.  He even support it and encourages it.  He has gotten rich on it, influential, and famous by doing it.

Satan does not even want him as he would not even follow Satan’s will.  By the way, Satan is more competent than Trump as God said Satan was very good at what he does.  Satan may twist truths, but Trump does not start with truths or expound them.

Homeschooling or Christian School instead of counterfeit Christianity schooling

The “Right” putting Christianity in schools?

If I had a kid in school at any level, I would pull them out of school for “homeschooling” or into a “religious school that I had investigated” that taught “true Bible Scripture meanings” and not the misguided shit they are trying to teach children by unqualified teachers [for Bible interpretations].

Considering that these so-called supporters of Christianity teaching Bible Scriptures are supporting Trump [his actions, policies, plans of policies, and legal/moral problems], I question their capability of having a true relationship with God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit.

If my child gets taught Christianity, I would want it to be the “true” God’s Scriptures with the Holy Spirit’s revelations not the questionable counterfeit Christianity.

Some Americans know that Biden did the right thing when pardoning his son!

Not all American people reject Biden’s pardon of his son.  Biden did the right thing in this matter.  SOME Americans feel differently, but they are not representative of ALL Americans.

The media should not continue to say All Americans, Americans, or any other designation that is misleading when referring to American citizens and/or voters.  The media seems to think that just because Trump won this election for the next 4 years as President, that means all Americans support him or agree with him or his policies.  A great many Americans do not agree with his opinions, policies, or planned actions.

What kind of people put VERY BAD people in leadership roles?

2025 Trump is surrounding himself with bad people and putting in key positions very very bad people.  They have no ethics, standards, or good goals.  Their character and past behaviors are horrid.  They seem to be being placed in their new positions to disrupt, destroy, and dismantle the positions in which they are placed.

If one looks closely at those Trump is choosing for key positions in his government, it not only shows what kind of people they are but what kind of person Trump is.

The new 2025 Congress does not seem any better.


It is obvious, that God is allowing Trump to be in office to show us what kind of people we are and to weaken the USA.

In God’s timeline, the World is in the timeslot between the weakening of America and the UK, the strengthening of the new Roman Empire, and the appearance of the AntiChrist. All of this means we are very near the time of the Rapture.

Trump and his Party members/voters should be ashamed of themselves!

Trump and MAGA/HYDRA Party members should all be convicted of Treason and executed for it. They are sympathizing and supporting as well as working on behalf of Russia and Communism and planning on turning America into a dictatorship. We have many such members in Congress that should be removed and replaced. I am sure that the old Republican Party’s leftover members have some capable congress candidates.

Those who voted for all this shit that Trump is installing in his potential government should have moved to Russia and lived for a while before trying to turn America into a puppet-level Russia.

Objective is to be disruptive, destructive, and under control of Trump-MAGA/HYDRA!

The objective of the incoming administration [Trump/MAGA/HYDRA] is to destroy the government and America itself.  The goal and focus is not to improve, update, or make better. All is geared to be disruptive of the American way of life.

Trump is giving all indications that he wants to be a dictator and not a President.

Project 2025 seems to be the playbook in motion.

Hope Trump — does as little damage — to America or its system as possible!

It is strongly hoped that whatever damage Trump does to America, the government, NATO, or World interactions can be undone or repaired in four years.

Also, it is hoped strongly that Trump does not for ANY REASON press the Neuclar “red” button and start World War III. Trump seems to have a low threshold for controlling his anger or being insulted [even justified].

However, if Putin or some other enemy nation starts World War III, it is hoped he responds quickly and effectively to protect America and the Western Nations. He should side with America and not Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, etc.

It is also hoped that the US Military will do its job to protect America and America’s interests NOT Trump or his interests. 

We will soon have our own Hitler ruling our own country.

It appears that America, Russia, and Europe won World War II battles, but lost the War in the end.  America, Russia, and Europe seem to be headed toward Nazi concepts, methods, rhetoric, and behavioral standards.

In America, we will soon have our version of Hitler and his followers behave the same as Hitler’s followers behaved.  Every time Trump raises his arm [which I assume he means to keep fighting], I think of the salute that Hitler’s followers gave him at his appearance.

Trump seems to think God wants to use him as President of the USA to make America better.  However, Trump is not “of God” and the only way God would use him would be as a LESSON [punishment] for both the USA and the World.  People of the USA are often rejecting God’s ways — especially the congressional and court leadership of the country has gone their own selfish, self-centered, and lying ways. I guess, the USA and World need to learn their concepts, behaviors, and stupidity, is not functional for the USA to survive.

You can read the “Trumpianism” article on this site for the list of concepts/behaviors and none of it is “of God”.  His supportive Christian Evangelicals are most likely “Counterfeit Christians” especially if they can support Trump the way they are doing.  Some religious groups have adopted Satan’s misinformation and thus are no longer “of God”.  They are “Fake Christians” trying to mislead others that it is OK to support Trump for their OWN-selfish reasons that are NOT “of God”.

The GOP and these “Fake Christians” are not going to make America Great again, but they will hasten America’s trip downward instead.


Only Trump’s BASE supports him, not ALL Americans.

Trump’s election says the majority of Americans support — bullies, shady con men, liars [dishonest], rapists or at least abusers of women, low moral character, and generally horrid people. The majority of Americans do not support the law and respect others or their rights.

When the media [including news people] say something, they should not say Americans support Trump or his coming actions.  Trump has made it clear he only represents his base who elected him.  The rest of us ceased to exist, I guess.  When making such statements, the media should say Trump’s base of Americans and not “ALL” Americans.  I was listening to CNN yesterday and the speaker on it referred to All Americans when referring to Trump and the support of his planned actions.  Just because he won the Presidency, does not mean ALL Americans think he is God’s Gift to the World.

I can see why so many foreign people and countries think of America in a negative way.  I strongly suggest foreign entities [even Putin] not trust our incoming leaders as it has been proven they are untrustworthy.  Foreign and domestic enities should not depend on anything said or done by the incoming leadership.

Note:  An 11/9/2024 headline “Trump still hasn’t signed ethics agreement required for presidential transition” was on the Internet.  Question:  How can an unethical person sign an ethics agreement that is meaningful?


We are headed knee-deep into the END TIMES:

“Widespread embrace of sin, evil, and occult practices signals the world’s progression toward the end times. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)”

“Societal norms will shift, with what was once considered immoral becoming accepted and celebrated. (2 Timothy 3:1-5)”

Today, many in our country have become desensitized to moral issues because immorality is rampant. It could cause our Country to implode.

The MAGA/HYDRA Party President elect is soon headed to the Oval Office.

For those of us who are real Republicans, there is NO REPUBLICAN PARTY anymore.  There is now a MAGA PARTY INSTEAD. The MAGA Party should be called the Hydra Party instead!


{The Hydra was a serpent-like water monster with nine heads with regenerative powers often referenced in Greek mythology. It was an offspring of Typhon and Echidna bred by Hera to kill Hercules.   It was a multifarious evil not to be overcome by a single effort.} {In the Marvel World, Hydra was founded with the goal of world conquest, either overtly or covertly. Generally, the new Hydra world order would be a Fascist, often neo-Nazi, totalitarian state.}


No one should refer to the Republican Party as it is now the Maga/Hydra Party.  The media and all other entities should only talk of the MAGA/HYDRA PARTY.  [Maga refers to Make America Gastly Awful and Appalling! NO MATTER what Trumpian’s or Maga voters think.]

It makes me disgusted when I hear the Maga/Hydra Party referred to as the Republican Party.

Just because you call a Party — Republican, does not mean it is such a party.  The Republican Party died and ceased to exist. Face it and act accordingly.

Now What? [found article on]

reprint:  Trump Won. Now What?  11/6/2024

Donald Trump has won, and will become president for the second time. Those who voted for him will now celebrate their victory. The rest of us need to prepare to live in a different America: a country where millions of our fellow citizens voted for a president who knowingly promotes hatred and division; who lies—blatantly, shamelessly—every time he appears in public; who plotted to overturn an election in 2020 and, had he not won, was planning to try again in 2024.

Above all, we must learn to live in an America where an overwhelming number of our fellow citizens have chosen a president who holds the most fundamental values and traditions of our democracy, our Constitution, even our military in contempt. Over the past decade, opinion polls showed Americans’ faith in their institutions waning. But no opinion poll could make this shift in values any clearer than this vote. As a result of this election, the United States will become a different kind of country.

When he was last in the White House, the president-elect ignored ethics and security guidelines, fired inspectors general and other watchdogsleaked classified information, and used the Department of Homeland Security in the summer of 2020 as if it were the interior ministry of an authoritarian state, deploying U.S. Customs and Border Protection and Coast Guard “troops” in American cities. Trump actively encouraged the January 6, 2021, insurrection at our Capitol. When he left the White House, he stole classified documents and hid them from the FBI.

Because a critical mass of Americans aren’t bothered by that list of transgressions, any one of which would have tanked the career of another politician, Trump and his vice president–elect, J.D. Vance, will now try to transform the federal government into a loyalty machine that serves the interests of himself and his cronies. This was the essence of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, and its architects, all Trump fans, will now endeavor to make it become reality. Trump will surely try again to dismantle America’s civil service, replacing qualified scientists and regulators with partisan operatives. His allies will help him to build a Department of Justice that does not serve the Constitution, but instead focuses on harassing and punishing Trump’s enemies. Trump has spoken, in the past, of using the Federal Communications Commission and the Internal Revenue Service to punish media organizations and anyone else who crosses him, and now he will have the chance to try again.

Perhaps the greater and more insidious danger is not political repression or harassment, but corruption. Autocratic populists around the world—in Hungary, Turkey, Venezuela—have assaulted institutions designed to provide accountability and transparency in order to shift money and influence to their friends and families, and this may happen in America too. This is not just a theoretical threat. As loyalists take over regulatory agencies, filling not only political but also former civil-service jobs, American skies will become more polluted, American food more dangerous. As a result of this massive shift in the country’s bureaucratic culture, Trump-connected companies will prosper, even as America becomes less safe for consumers, for workers, for children, for all of us.

American foreign policy will also reflect this shift toward kleptocracy. In his first term, Trump abused the powers of his office, corrupting American foreign policy for his personal gain. He pressured the Ukrainian president to launch a fake investigation of his political opponent; altered policy toward TurkeyQatar, and other nations in ways that suited his business interests; even used the Secret Service to funnel government money to his private properties. In a second term, he and the people around him will have every incentive to go much further. Expect them to use American foreign policy and military power to advance their personal and political goals.

There are many things a re-elected President Trump cannot do. But there are some things he can do. One is to cut off aid to Ukraine. The Biden administration has three months to drop all half-measures and rush supplies to Ukraine before Trump forces a Ukrainian surrender to Russia. If there’s anything in the American arsenal that Ukraine might successfully use—other than nuclear weapons—send it now, before it’s too late.

Another thing Trump can do is to impose further tariffs–and intensify a global trade war against not only China but also against former friends, partners, and allies. America First will be America Alone, no longer Ronald Reagan’s “city on a hill,” but now just another great power animated by predatory nationalism.

Around the world, illiberal politicians who seek to subvert their own democracies will follow America’s lead. With no fear of American criticism or reaction, expect harassment of press and political opponents in countries such as Mexico and Turkey to grow. Expect the Russian-backed electoral cheating recently on display in Georgia and Moldova to spread. Expect violent rhetoric in every democracy: If the American president can get away with it, others will conclude that they can too. The autocratic world, meanwhile, will celebrate the victory of someone whose disdain for the rule of law echoes and matches their own. They can assume Trump and Vance will not promote human rights, will not care about international law, and will not reinforce our democratic alliances in Europe and Asia.

But the most difficult, most agonizing changes are the ones that will now take place deep inside our society. Radicalization of a part of the anti-Trump camp is inevitable, as people begin to understand that existential issues, such as climate change and gun violence, will not be tackled. A parallel process will take place on the other side of the political spectrum, as right-wing militias, white supremacists, and QAnon cultists are reenergized by the election of the man whose behavior they have, over eight years, learned to imitate. The deep gaps within America will grow deeper. Politics will become even angrier. Trump won by creating division and hatred, and he will continue to do so throughout what is sure to be a stormy second term.

My generation was raised on the belief America could always be counted upon to do the right thing, even if belatedly: reject the isolationism of America First and join the fight against Nazism; fund the Marshall Plan to stop communism; extend the promise of democracy to all people without regard to race or sex. But maybe that belief was true only for a specific period, a unique moment. There were many chapters of history when America did the wrong thing for years or decades. Maybe we are living through such a period now.

Or maybe the truth is that democracy is always a close-run thing, always in contention. If so, then we too must—as people in other failing democracies have learned to do—find new ways to champion wobbling institutions and threatened ideas. For supporters of the American experiment in liberal democracy, our only hope is education, organization, and the creation of a coalition of people dedicated to defending the spirit of the Constitution, the ideals of the Founders, the dream of freedom. More concretely: public civic-education campaigns to replace the lessons no longer taught in schools; teams of lawyers who can fight for the rule of law in courts; grassroots organizing, especially in rural and small-town America; citizens and journalists working to expose and fight the enormous wave of kleptocracy and corruption that will now engulf our political system..

Many of those shattered by this result will be tempted to withdraw into passivity—or recoil into performative radicalism. Reject both. We should focus, instead, on how to win back to the cause of liberal democracy a sufficient number of those Americans who voted for a candidate who denigrated this nation’s institutions and ideals.

Trump effects

America needs to help Ukraine as much as possible between now and Jan 20, 2025, with as much weapons, money, etc.

Trump will most likely give Ukraine to Russia by not supporting Ukraine anymore with any help at all.  He will most likely try to get other NATO countries to do the same.


Also, NATO needs to strengthen itself as Trump will most likely try to weaken it or destroy it altogether.


In any case, all the above opens room in the political World to the European and German emergence of the AntiChrist who eventually goes to war with Russia.

With Trump as President, America will go downhill faster than it would have done.

Trumpism — is NOT COMPATIBLE with God! — [and/or decent behavior & family values]

Trumpism and Trumpianistic:

Trumpism and being Trumpianistic is a term for the political ideologies, social emotions, style of governance, political movement and set of mechanisms for acquiring and keeping power that are associated with Donald Trump, and his political base.                   Source:

[I added Trumpainistic as even if Trump followers no longer have Trump to follow, there are Trump want-a-be people and Trump-like behavor in officials and various general public members that will still be around long after Trump is retired or dead.


  • Lies [not even based on any tiny part of truth]
  • Threats
  • Instigation of Violence [in the public’s face no less]
  • Illegal Behaviors
  • Belief that one is above the law and does not need to comply with laws of the land.
  • Mean and hurtful verbal interactions with others especially women
  • Non-respectful of women [He thinks they liked to be groped and sexually assaulted as he think it is a pass because he dose not know the difference.]
  • Telling others what to think through threats and false influence
  • Radical and Insurrectionist Beliefs and Concepts
  • Anti-Democracy where everyone has a right to easily vote and speak their own point of view. [“Trumpism is greatest threat to American democracy since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor” per Philip S. Gorski]
  • Inappropriate strong arming officials, agencies, and the general public in a detrimental result
  • Childish, erratic, temperamental, authoritarian, angry-resentful-vengeful, berserk, insulting, and emotional in a damaging manner
  • No caring or advocating the rights of anyone but one’s self while walking over or destroying anyone else’s rights [Claiming amendment rights but keeping others from having the same rights]
  • Supporting fringe behavior such as white supremacist and other extreme groups
  • Haveing a World War II Hitler like relationship with Trump and blindly following such a Nazi type leader [following such behaviour instead of decent behavior or God, himself] [According to civil rights lawyer Burt Neuborne and political theorist William E. Connolly, Trumpist rhetoric employs tropes similar to those used by fascists in Germany to persuade citizens (at first a minority) to give up democracy, by using a barrage of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national-security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never-ending search for scapegoats. Neuborne found twenty parallel practices,[137] such as creating what amounts to an “alternate reality” in adherents’ minds, through direct communications, by nurturing a fawning mass media and by deriding scientists to erode the notion of objective truth;[138] organizing carefully orchestrated mass rallies;[139] bitterly attacking judges when legal cases are lost or rejected;[140] using an uninterrupted stream of lies, half-truths, insults, vituperation and innuendo designed to marginalize, demonize and eventually destroy opponents;[139] making jingoistic appeals to ultranationalist fervor;[139] and promising to slow, stop and even reverse the flow of “undesirable” ethnic groups who are cast as scapegoats for the nation’s ills ]
  • Lack of knowing good from bad [and teaching others and children such lack of knowledge including advocating that bad IS good and good IS bad]
  • Dark Corrupting Influence of others [keeping people from doing their jobs that they were elected to do ]
  • Discriminating on economic level, race, or where one lives
  • Transforming anxiety into anger and directing it at particular targets [dominance by reminding everybody of wrath AND force and others into submission thereby]
  • Creating barbaric, if not sub-human levels of consciousness with mindless anarchic goals [anarchic = with no controlling rules or principles to give order]
  • Creating a situation or atmosphere that is more combative and less ideological
  • Having and supporting narcissism [Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.]
  • Not complying with the rights of business owners to make rules for their establishments, business, media, etc. for the safety of other shoppers, users, or the safety of their business.  [Thinking your rights are more significant that anyone else’s rights to shop, eat, fly, post a message, etc.] [Obviously, businesses must follow legal laws for their businesses, but otherwise, they have the right to serve those whom they choose to serve: like refusing those who do not wear shoes, not bringing animals into a restaurant, not wearing a mask, not behaving in an appropriate manner, etc]
  • Destruction of property that is not yours or interfering with the operation of any system. [access to property or business, access to intersections or locations, vandalism, interference with normal operation of established functions]
  • Taking away other peoples rights and/or disregard for others rights.


By supporting Trump and his cohorts, you are aiding and abetting him/them in the above behavior and are therefore  active participants in such behaviors.
You are supporting and following Trump or Trumpianistic-behaviour and NOT God or family values !



{Trump is clearly stating that Christian groups are supporting him and extensively within his “base”.  I am clearly stating that you cannot be a practicing Christian and be in his “base” supporting and abetting him and his cohorts in this behavior.  At least other governmental groups do not flaunt their “shadowed” bad behavior publicly [on purpose] as good and appropriate behavior.  I know all governmental groups lie to the public on many occasions, but Trump and his cohorts are way over the line and flaunting such in our faces as good.  [I am a Christian and believe our country is great even it there are immense problems to solve AND I find this offensive.]

SUCH SO CALLED CHRISTIAN GROUPS MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN GOD OR TRUMP [or Trumpianistic-behaviours as God and Trump/Trumpianistic-behaviours] as God and this behaviour  are not compatible.

A Christian Group should have righteous indignation regarding this kind of behavior and not aid and support it.

Biden and/or Democrats are not to blame for everything for which they are blamed!

Biden and/or Democrats are not to blame for everything for which they are blamed!

Many things Biden and the Democrats are blamed for are actually not their fault and they can do nothing about some of these things.

The economy is mostly the fault of Republicans [past and present] who refuse to support American policies and are being investigative.  Covid-19 and variants and the lack of reasonable health behavior by selfish and belligerent citizens of which a few can do a lot of damage.  Business is also to blame for not having manufacturing, store, office, etc practices that make business a difficult problem during illnesses and diseases as well a desire to not follow the laws or behaviors that protect citizens [workers, shoppers, etc].

Violence is mostly the fault of Republicans [past and present] who refuse to support American policies and are being investigative.  Covid-19 and variants and the lack of reasonable health behavior by selfish and belligerent citizens of which a few can do a lot of damage.  People are frustrate and acting in the ways they see a lot of upper governmental officials behaving [aggressive, not following social norms, angry, threatening, etc] as well as World leaders.  It seems if you want something, you just take it these days.  We see even election rallies advocating violence, anger, and aggressiveness to the extreme.  World leaders are seen to want something and getting it through violence, threats, and bad behavior.  They all get away with such behavior, it seems.

Health solutions are influenced by selfish and/or lazy citizens not wanting to be inconvenienced or those who do not care about others even their own families.

Voting rights are being walked over or disregarded.  These days, it seems, that winning is more important than how one wins.  Voting districts changed, votes not being counted or changed, difficult rules to vote, people being put in place to control and change outcomes, and lies/misinformation spread are all normal these days.  BOTH PARTIES are to blame for this problem at all levels of government.

Abortion rights are aggressively being walked over or banned.  Those in charge over power the majority of people in their own state or community and force their wants over others.  It seems to be based on what party is in power in what state or area and not on what is right or wrong.  Aggressiveness and violence seems to be threatened if not followed.

THE ABOVE THINGS ARE NOT necessarily the fault of Biden or the Democrats, but influenced by selfish, aggressive groups.

America needs improvement not the creation of an authoritarian, totalitarian, or other dictatorial system.

See: —
Trumpism — is NOT COMPATIBLE with God! and/or decent behavior & family values] on May 10, 2021.

Trump and Governmental followers seem to support Russia [Communist] rather than American needs and issues even to the point of lies regarding Russian behavior and reasoning.  They are blatantly Anti-American.  It seems these Trump followers are trying to destroy America as it should be rather than fixing issues that need fixing to improve America.  America needs improvement not the creation of an authoritarian, totalitarian, or other dictatorial system.

You can support and adhere to Trumpism behaviors in many areas [through bulling or selfishness, etc] but draw the line at anti-American behavior and concepts [voting issues, terrorism, violence, or white supreme concepts].  Please start drawing a line in your behavior and at least try to not be Trumpism.

America needs the three sections of government to work as it was intended to work, even it it never did so far, it should currently and in the future work as it was intended to work.  The three sections should work independently and not under political bosses.  Congress should make laws [and follow them], White House personnel should do their duties, and the Supreme Court should be implementing the laws of the land without political bias.

Political bosses should not be ruling our country.  We did not vote for the political bosses at any level of government and we did not vote for the money donators who control our government currently.  We also did not vote for the media or other such groups.

Basically, America needs improvement not destruction.

Republican Party is NOT Conservative group — Currently!

Although there are some Conservatives in the Republican Party, they are not the ones leading the Republican Party or its actions.  There is a huge difference between Conservative and Right Wing Radicals.  The Republican Party in 2022 is mostly Right Wing Radical leaning toward Fascist.  The Republican Party is behind a current CIVIL WAR [currently in concepts, beliefs, and desired actions].


Right now in 2022 the Republican Party should be referred to as Radical or Fascist NOT Conservative.  I wish the news, media, and newspapers would refer to them as such and not as Conservative.


Both parties seem to have liberal, conservative, and right/left wing radicals, but the Republican Party seems consumed with Right Wing Crazy Radical.  I am unsure if the Party is leading the people in their leanings or if the people are leading the Party, but either way, only the middle Conservative group should be in control of the Party to be called a Conservative Party.

The Right Wing Radicals should form their own party and call it Radicals or Fascist, but not Patriotic or American, or anything that reflects that as they are extreme.

Liz Cheney serves as Wyoming’s lone member of Congress in the U.S. House of Representatives. Although she is a woman and not likely to win an election in 2024, she seems to be the best Conservative possible candidate.  Too bad she is not a man and then maybe people would back her more often.