Tracking Summary Sheet [updated 1/8/2024] made Summary Breakdown Summary into 2 pages

In combination with my tracking worksheet form these help me.  This is my current method.  Different people use different methods of handling their diabetes.  I am new to it all so this helps me.  Everyone has to figure out what works for them.  Also, I use pencil in case I need to change something.  Also I do the count at the end of the day for the tracking summary.

Update Note: American Diabetes Association lists 13-16 carbs [15 grams each appx] as normal daily intake of carbs on a 2000 calorie diet. [I assume 9-11 to be normal for a woman who is sedate.]

I use these two forms and they help me, but my Sister uses index cards on her refrigerator instead of a form. Everyone has their own way of doing it.

I am using the Univ of Ark [Diabetes Division] Food Exchange List with the American Diabetes Assoc My Plate Pamphlet of allowed foods along with Weight Watchers Point System of 2010 for references of above categories and monitoring of food and carbs/nutrition.


Below form has been updated 3/21/2024.  Added Fruits & Vegetables to form.