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I just joined the “Forward Party”

I was/am at heart a Middle [central] Republican, but MAGA/HYDRA Party killed the GOP.

Today, 3/5/2025, I joined the Forward Party, which supports democracy, Ukraine, NATO, and United Nations.  The Forward Party seems to have both old version of Republicans and old version of Democrats in it as well as others. It says it supports the constitution as well.

The Forward Party does not seem as well advertised or publicly presented as the other parties.  Maybe in the near future they will be more prominent.


Trump remains critical of Zelensky, who should be admired instead!

Trump Remains critical of Zelensky, but Trump should admire Zelensky instead. We all should.

Zelensky has done an impossible job and survived this long. It is a miracle he has not been assassinated. He cares about his Country, his fellow citizens, the Ukraine soldiers, Ukraine children, etc. He has tried hard to deal with corruption when it was found. He has dealt with limited funds, weapons, and equipment as well as limited soldiers [compared to Russia]. He has dealt with trying to get money and weapons for his soldiers and the war. He and his country is fighting a war they did NOT start from a country that INVADED the country without cause [except greed to take the resources of the Ukraine as well as land and children].

He has dealt with infrastructure problems, war-related problems, foreign slowness in funding and weapons, poor or old weapons, foreign misinformed judgements, broken promises, lack of enough soldiers to fight a powerful country with lots of soldiers, not being able to have other country boots on the ground when Russia has other countries with boots on Ukraine soil to fight on their side [which I don’t understand the logic of why they get told they cannot], bad weather, lacking heat, water, etc.

Trump has no bitch coming or judgement allowed as Trump does not care about America, its citizens, its soldiers, its children, its form of government, the real function of the USA military, corruption, lies, or anything that is not him and his control issues.

Zelensky is not perfect and has made mistakes along the way, but he sure has tried to help his country!

It is good that Biden plans pardons.

The Maga/Hydra Party [Trump’s Party] plans on wasting large sums of money on investigations and persecuting his non-supporters in government, etc. Trying to prohibit Trump from doing as much damage as possible especially to people and organizations is terrific.

I wish the Maga/Hydra Party would spend money on things that help the USA and its people instead of wasting money on foolish pursuits.  They flaunt their plans for saving money by cutting governmental programs and organizations and even cutting staff and then waste money on foolish investigations and revenge actions.

Trump and Maga/Hydra Party members are hypocrites!

It is very hypocritical for any Maga/Hydra Party member or supporter of Trump to have any comment on the pardon of Biden’s son.

We have an incoming President and Congress members who break the law of the USA and blatantly throw it in citizens of the USA faces that they feel justified in doing so and getting away with it unpunished. They support their own knowing that they too have no regard for the law of our country.

Why is it OK for Trump and such to get off scott free and everyone else is expected to obey the laws and if not be punished?  I am surprised that current citizens follow any of the laws and there is not more crime than exists currently.

By the way, Trump [who is not yet President] had secret calls and contacts with foreign leaders.  He seems too friendly with Russia, China, and North Korea.  He was charged with insurrection, but his behavior was closer to treason, by the looks of his behavior and interactions during the last 4 years and now.

Plus Trump says he plans on a Pardon for Jan 6 riot prisoners even though there was destruction and death.


Trump is untrustworthy.

In one of the posts on this site, I stated DO NOT TRUST TRUMP or expect him to adhere to a treaty, promise, or anything.  Although all humans are untrustworthy to some extent, Trump is so beyond that level.

A thought!

When one is young, one worries about being smart enough to get through school, college, and find a job.  When one gets old one does not worry about being smart enough, but does worry about getting dementia or senility and remembering for what they went to the kitchen.

USA leaders should be doing things that are good for the USA and its citizens

It should also be known:   In America, our leaders should be doing things that are good for America and its citizens and not things for themselves either in influence, power, revenge, getting into the news to make their name known or trouble making for the other party or parties.  They should not be in government to show how the other party/parties are awful or what they have done wrong, but are in government to do their jobs and try to make things better by passing laws, conducting themselves in a civil manner, investigating [things that actually need investigating and not just revenge or to make the other party/parties look bad], etc.  Elected government members are in office to do their jobs, not to just work on getting elected next time there is such an election and/or to work on getting the next position up on the governmental ladder.

It would be nice if a time slot was marked for electioneering and not be for the next 4 years after a major election.  Personally, I am sick of such for such a continuous long period of time.

There should be a peaceful transfer of positions and a smooth one [without “steal” remarks].  By the way, “steal” remarks are mostly saying to the American people that no one stole anything, but that one side did better at their manipulations, presentations, and sometimes trickery [which both sides in history have done].  Once a party is in a position in government, accept it, they did better at electioneering than you did.

Actually, I don’t understand why a person should be reelected or moved up the governmental ladder, if they are not doing their job in the first place.

You do NOT “understand the effects” of destroying the USA governmental system….

Those who want the USA to become a extremists, communist, fascist, dictatorial, white supremacist, or other such country do not realize what they will be living under if they are successful.  Do not destroy what is the American system without understanding the daisy chained effects of doing so.  There is not a good replacement for the system that exists in America.

Take a good look at how people are living in the dictatorial countries around the World.  The people are not doing well in any of them.  They do not have even the “rights” that we have in our [in need of improvement] Country [USA].

The only entity that can handle a dictatorial government [theocracy] is God via Jesus.  No human can do so.  Humans through history have proven it and are proving it NOW!



IQ – Marilyn {Ameigh} Moore

  • 85 to 114: Average intelligence.
  • 115 to 129: Above average or bright.
  • 130 to 144: Moderately gifted.
  • 145 to 159: Highly gifted.


Marilyn {Ameigh} Moore’s IQ is 130 with limited effort.

Usually function at B+ or A- level in life if such were given school grades.

It should be noted that I need more focus and discipline in my efforts. Also, my memory could be better, especially with names.

New to Diabetes Monitoring

On Feb 23, 2020, I was diagnosed with diabetes 2 and have to learn how to monitor it along with weight loss monitoring. Upon researching it and talking with a nutritionist, I have found it best to tailor my monitoring to myself as a unique person [all people are unique].

Upon being introduced to the “My Plate”, I found it confusing and very unhelpful. It might help if you only ate one meal a day, but that for me is impossible. It simply did not work for 3 meals with 3-4 carbs a day especially when milk, fruits, and some vegetables are carbs as well as some sauces and condiments [bbq and sweet & sour sauce as well as pancake syrup].

Therefore, I looked at a lot of pyramids and exchange lists. They pretty much include much of the same stuff, but have some differences. Therefore, I decided to tailor my diabetic monitoring specifically for myself. To add to the difficulty, I have to loose a lot of weight and am sedate in life style. I have not explored exercises tailored to me yet. That is next.

Research on diabetes has explained to me that each person is different and what works for one person might not work for another person. It is like taking a course of study [Biologic Chemistry] in college. If anyone says it is simple and just do what a nutritionist says [or your doctor], they are wrong. It is not easy, especially, if you cook for one person and don’t actually cook, but mostly microwave.

Commitment, discipline, and consistency are not simple to learn either especially when you are use to eating foods as you want when you want.  Also, if you get limited foods, you want them to taste good.  The sauces cost you carbs or other food groups.  IT IS NOT SIMPLE or EASY!

By the way, I have to watch consumption of soybean, garlic, and salt. Grapefruit is out because it conflicts with other medications. Salt is also bad because of water retention and blood pressure let alone it retains body weight when too much salt is used.