Category: Religion/Politics

Public Schools should NOT teach religion

Religion has many divisions of teachings and Public School Teachers are NOT qualified to teach religion except generally.  If Religion is taught it should be taught as part of a many religion course that also includes the many religions around the World.

If parents want their children taught Christianity, they should enroll them in a school that teaches their division choice.  Not all Christians are Catholic.  Also, parents can take their children to their Church of choice as well.  There are other organizations to choose from as well … like camps, daily vacation Bible School, etc.

Only Acceptable Dictator is God through Jesus Christ

Trump should be impeached. He does NOT represent or reflect God’s Way or Will.  He is not a true conservative.  He and his National Evangelicals are counterfeit conservatives and have in their own minds changed the meaning of conservative.  The US government is no longer stable, just, truthful, or dependable.

The only acceptable dictator is God through Jesus Christ at the Second Coming.  The only acceptable KING OF KINGS is Jesus Christ.  God said so!

If a foreign country wanted to annihilate the USA, now would be a good time to initiate it as the whole country including government, military, and everything else is in chaos. If Iran assassinated Trump, instead of retaliation, Iran should be given a reward!


Trump will be held accountable eventually!

Trump thinks that if he receives immunity while President or thereafter in a Earthly legal system, that he will not be held accountable for his actions or daisy chained effects thereof.  Even if he received such immunity, he WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE thereafter.

He will spend over 1000 years in Hell, face White Throne Judgement, and the Lake of Fire [alive or dead at time of being thrown into it].  He also has lead many people away from their faith and replaced God with himself in their lives and concepts.  Money or prison will not get him out of the accountability problem he will eventually face.  He is 78 going on 79 years and is a stressed man.  If I were him, I would spend much more time worrying about this than his legal trickeries.

Also, I hope he is impeached and found guilty of such.  He should leave the Presidency in disgrace.

When Trump dies – he is not ever going to be important or influential again

I don’t know where Trump intends to go when he dies, but I cannot think of anywhere he would want to go.

His choices:


  • God rules and everything is done God’s way.  One cannot use God to do things one’s own way.
  • Citizens of Heaven are humble and care about others as well as actually help others.
  • One has to repent to go there.
  • One has to give praise, glory, and worship to God there.
  • One cannot seek importance, higher positions, fame, popularity, influence.
  • One cannot wheel and deal in heaven or use questionable tactics to get what one wants.
  • One has to want what God wants not what one wants.
  • By the way, to go to Heaven, one has to repent one’s sins, accept Jesus as savior [paid sin penalty], and freely accept doing everything God’s Way!

Satan’s World [if he won, which he won’t]:

  • One would have to worship and do Satan’s will not one’s own will.
  • One cannot seek importance, higher positions, fame, popularity, influence.
  • One would need Satan’s permission to do anything especially wheel and deal.
  • One would have to interact with very bad entities and situations.
  • By the way, if one chooses this path, one ends up in Hell, Judgement, and Lake of Fire.

Non-existence [dissipation of all energy and essence of what makes a human – other than body that goes in Earth] or atheist:

  • One cannot seek importance, higher positions, fame, popularity, influence.
  • One is just gone and dissipated into the cosmos where all is dispersed.
  • By the way, if one chooses this path, one ends up in Hell, Judgement, and Lake of Fire.


Hell [awaiting judgement, punishment, and dissolved in Lake of Fire]

  • One is supervised by good angels so one cannot do whatever one wants to do.  Hell is run God’s Way by God’s Angels not Satan’s Angels or Demons.
  • One will be in small location and solitary confinement, without company, community, fellowships, or friendships.
  • One does not have a sense of purpose or accomplishment.
  • One has little to do except remember one’s life and the now absence of amenities one once had. [regrets are remembered].
  • One has a life of minimal existence [no amenities].
  • One is probably bored with nothing interesting to do [agonizingly dull] [utter inactivity].
  • One is realizing diminishing person hood and knowledge of insignificance.
  • There is the absence of God and all that is good. One knows one is going to Judgement, punishment, and the Lake of Fire [either alive or dead].
  • One knows one has lead many to the same situation and one is punished for leading them to such so one gets maximum punishments [maybe thrown into Lake of Fire alive or for longer time before dissolving body].
  • One knows that whatever one did on Earth during one’s life is gone, not-remembered, and made no lasting significance. There will be no lasting legacy or importance to anything done, built, or created.
  • It will probably be warm [one will not be in fire] as Hell is in the inner Earth somewhere either in this dimension or another dimension. One will be in spirit bodies of some kind as one’s Earthly body will be buried, cremated, or whatever. In one’s spirit body, one can withstand and endure such warmth, but will most likely not like it.
  • One will NOT be tortured by anyone or anything as Hell is probably one of the most safe places that exist – while one is there. one will not be in torment except by possibly by one’s own doing or one’s own memories, regrets, and response to no amenities.
  • etc.


However, as a  Christian, I hope Trump repents [to God], is saved through belief in Jesus Christ [who paid sin penalty], and goes to Heaven and learns to be happy there.

I also hope Trump does not have a traumatic, painful death that lingers, but that Trump goes quickly, painlessly, and without mental anguish. — Otherwise, at the end of Trump’s life, Trump will have a difficult time with nurses, inactivity, no influence, no importance, no popularity, no honor, no respect, and no one caring.  However, I do hope that as former President, Trump does not get flags lowered or honor, or respect and gets a minimum Federal funeral with as little pomp as possible.

Noted:  Any religion that is chosen that does not accept salvation through Jesus Christ [as paying the sin penalty] ends up with the person in Hell, Judgement, and Lake of Fire no matter what they think or believe.  There are only two choices of end result: Heaven or Lake of Fire.

Evangelicals who follow and support Trumpism are “fake” Evangelicals

Evangelical Christianity is a worldwide trans-denominational movement within Protestant Christianity that maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, solely through faith in Jesus’s atonement. Evangelicals believe in the centrality of the conversion or “born again” experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God‘s revelation to humanity, and in spreading the Christian message.




Trumpism — is NOT COMPATIBLE with God! — [and/or decent behavior & family values]

Trumpism and Trumpianistic:

Trumpism is a term for the political ideologies, social emotions, style of governance, political movement and set of mechanisms for acquiring
and keeping power that are associated with Donald Trump, and his political base.                   Source:


  • Lies [not even based on any tiny part of truth]
  • Threats
  • Instigation of Violence [in the public’s face no less]
  • Illegal Behaviors
  • Mean and hurtful verbal interactions with others especially women
  • Non-respectful of women [He thinks they liked to be groped and sexually assaulted as he think it is a pass because he dose not know the difference.]
  • Telling others what to think through threats and false influence
  • Radical and Insurrectionist Beliefs and Concepts
  • Anti-Democracy where everyone has a right to easily vote and speak their own point of view. [“Trumpism is greatest threat to American democracy since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor” per Philip S. Gorski]
  • Inappropriate strong arming officials, agencies, and the general public in a detrimental result
  • Childish, erratic, temperamental, authoritarian, angry-resentful-vengeful, berserk, insulting, and emotional in a damaging manner
  • No caring or advocating the rights of anyone but one’s self while walking over or destroying anyone else’s rights [Claiming amendment rights but keeping others from having the same rights]
  • Supporting fringe behavior such as white supremacist and other extreme groups
  • Haveing a World War II Hitler like relationship with Trump and blindly following such a Nazi type leader [following such behaviour instead of decent behavior or God, himself] [According to civil rights lawyer Burt Neuborne and political theorist William E. Connolly, Trumpist rhetoric employs tropes similar to those used by fascists in Germany to persuade citizens (at first a minority) to give up democracy, by using a barrage of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national-security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never-ending search for scapegoats. Neuborne found twenty parallel practices,[137] such as creating what amounts to an “alternate reality” in adherents’ minds, through direct communications, by nurturing a fawning mass media and by deriding scientists to erode the notion of objective truth;[138] organizing carefully orchestrated mass rallies;[139] bitterly attacking judges when legal cases are lost or rejected;[140] using an uninterrupted stream of lies, half-truths, insults, vituperation and innuendo designed to marginalize, demonize and eventually destroy opponents;[139] making jingoistic appeals to ultranationalist fervor;[139] and promising to slow, stop and even reverse the flow of “undesirable” ethnic groups who are cast as scapegoats for the nation’s ills ]
  • Lack of knowing good from bad [and teaching others and children such lack of knowledge including advocating that bad IS good and good IS bad]
  • Dark Corrupting Influence of others [keeping people from doing their jobs that they were elected to do ]
  • Discriminating on economic level, race, or where one lives
  • Transforming anxiety into anger and directing it at particular targets [dominance by reminding everybody of wrath AND force and others into submission thereby]
  • Creating barbaric, if not sub-human levels of consciousness with mindless anarchic goals [anarchic = with no controlling rules or principles to give order]
  • Creating a situation or atmosphere that is more combative and less ideological
  • Having and supporting narcissism [Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.]
  • Not complying with the rights of business owners to make rules for their establishments, business, media, etc. for the safety of other shoppers, users, or the safety of their business.  [Thinking your rights are more significant that anyone else’s rights to shop, eat, fly, post a message, etc.] [Obviously, businesses must follow legal laws for their businesses, but otherwise, they have the right to serve those whom they choose to serve: like refusing those who do not wear shoes, not bringing animals into a restaurant, not wearing a mask, not behaving in an appropriate manner, etc]
  • Destruction of property that is not yours or interfering with the operation of any system. [access to property or business, access to intersections or locations, vandalism, interference with normal operation of established functions]
  • Taking away other peoples rights and/or disregard for others rights.


By supporting Trump and his cohorts, you are aiding and abetting him/them in the above behavior
and are therefore  active participants in such behaviors.


You are supporting and following Trump and NOT God or family values !



{Trump is clearly stating that Christian groups are supporting him and extensively within his “base”.  I am clearly stating that you cannot be a practicing Christian and be in his “base” supporting and abetting him and his cohorts in this behavior.  At least other governmental groups do not flaunt their “shadowed” bad behavior publicly [on purpose] as good and appropriate behavior.  I know all governmental groups lie to the public on many occasions, but Trump and his cohorts are way over the line and flaunting such in our faces as good.  [I am a Christian and find this offensive.]


A Christian Group should have righteous indignation regarding this kind of behavior and not aid and support.