Category: Politics

Cause of USA current problems NOT Biden’s fault

The current problems of the USA are not Biden’s fault in any way.  Fault can be placed at the hands of unmasked, not vaccinated Americans, Trump for his hinderance of many things related to health, economy, and his just causing unnecessary chaos and it  can also be placed at the fault at Congress for their inaction, inefficiency, and non-functioning behaviors.  At least Biden is trying, whereas these others are not even trying to do their jobs as lawmakers or citizens.

I do not say this as affiliated with any party as the Republican Party is a mess these days and I am very disappointed in them as they have let me down.

Trumpians are a threat to America!

The fact that the guilty republicans are not being or going to be punished for their part in Jan 6 and beyond behavior to destroy the American way of life and trying to prohibit people who have a right to vote from voting is a great threat to every American and America itself.  The American System is  capable of working for America.  However, the people who run it are not using the system as it was intended and thus it is not working well.  America has a three part system:  Congress, President, and Supreme Court.  However, it seems that these groups are not separate and being manipulated by the other groups to a non-functioning status.  There is a three part system for a reason:  they are to keep each in check.

America does not need a dictatorship by a person or a group.


Republican Party is now a Fringe Group and Doesn’t belong in top 2 party group!

There is a Trumpian Party or a Radical Party or an Extremist Party, but there is no Republican Party at this point of time or in the for see-able future especially with Trump involved. Maybe someone could create a new CONSERVATIVE party.

Also, seeking Revenge is childish particularly for such reasons as Trump plans to do so. It conflicts with Christian required behavior.  It is just wrong in any context.

If Trump creates a new party [which I do not believe he would], it should NOT be called Patriots or any derivative but be called something more appropriately in line with what it would be ….  like:  Radical, Extremist, Erratic, Irrational, Manic, Corybantic.  In no definition is his based party patriotic. Even if some of the so called Republican party supported policies are worth considering, his party has lost any functional policy concepts as they are buried in bad behavior.