Category: Politics

To Musk/Trump: Cost Cut Salaries of Congress and Yourselves!

If the Maga/Hydra Party wants to do Trumps agenda and Project 2025 plan, then they should cut salaries of Congress, Trump appointees, Musk, etc.  They get paid thousands and thousands of dollars to NOT do their jobs anyway.  If agencies of government can be cut and are being cut, they these salaries SHOULD ALSO BE CUT.

If any said person does not receive a salary to cut, they should be fined a substantial monetary penalty equal to the pay cuts others get [in a percentage thereof that they will notice they had to longer have].

Also, the rich that want to pay less in taxes should be paying more in taxes anyway as they usually find loopholes or other ways to skirt out of paying taxes at a level they should be paying. If everyone else is going to hurt getting foods, medications, medical care, and other necessities, then the rich should not get tax cuts and should pay their fair share of their earnings [income] in taxes without the chicanery they usually utilize.

Only Acceptable Dictator is God through Jesus Christ

Trump should be impeached. He does NOT represent or reflect God’s Way or Will.  He is not a true conservative.  He and his National Evangelicals are counterfeit conservatives and have in their own minds changed the meaning of conservative.  The US government is no longer stable, just, truthful, or dependable.

The only acceptable dictator is God through Jesus Christ at the Second Coming.  The only acceptable KING OF KINGS is Jesus Christ.  God said so!

If a foreign country wanted to annihilate the USA, now would be a good time to initiate it as the whole country including government, military, and everything else is in chaos. If Iran assassinated Trump, instead of retaliation, Iran should be given a reward!


USA to become dictatorial communistic country under Trump

USA to become dictatorial communistic country under Trump.  It seems that MAGA/HYDRA Party [formerly known as GOP] is turning the USA into a communistic country with a dictator at its head.

By the way, the reason there is a civil service in Federal Gov’t is because loyalty for each new President did not work. The gov’t did not function well with each new turnover of Presidents so they instituted the civil service to create stability and functionality.  Apparently, Trump does not know his history or civics regarding the three sections of the government that is suppose to keep the sections from each gaining too much power.  Also, the President should not have more power than was designated in the first place.  It is set up that way for a reason.

NEVER forget Jan. 6 [govt vote overthrow attempt]

NEVER forget Jan. 6 attack.  It was an violent attempt to keep congress from processing voter [elector] decision as to who would be President.  It was not peaceful or just a protest.  It was aggressive and Congress was entered and vastly disrupted.  Trump encouraged it and that is proven by his pardons of those convicted of Jan 6 criminal acts. He may have even instigated it before hand.  In any case he was glad they did it and is still glad they did it.  He thinks they were heroes.

2020 was NOT stolen from Trump at all.


The USA should have helped Ukraine more than it has in its battle with Russia.  It should have had more effective weapons from the start and even boots on the ground from NATO members.

Trump should not be reprimanding Ukraine for withstanding Russia.  Russia should not have invaded Ukraine at all ever for any reason.  It is one thing for a country to voluntarily join another country of its own free will, but quite another thing for a country to invade by military force and just take another country just because they are smaller or weaker.  RUSSIA IS A FAULT FOR THE WAR, Trump!

Trump should be impeached as quickly as possible

Why does Trump think the Presidency should have its powers expanded.  The Presidency has certain powers and they should stay that way.  We have three sections of government that are suppose to work separately.  The President is not suppose to control all of the government.  The three sections are to keep each other in balance so no one section controls everything.  It works best that way.

The President is to work his job withing the parameters of the constitution and the way the government works.  If he cannot do so, he should not be President.

The constitution is very important and should not be discarded even on the government website.

Inauguration Invites are actually a middle finger to Trump

“Trump’s Inauguration Invites Are Huge Middle Finger to Biden” heading on a recent article on the internet site.


However, it is actually a middle finger to Trump.  He is surrounding himself by wealthy awful people whom he is catering to in politics now and the next 4 years. Every time he does anything, Trump shows what kind of awful person he is inside and out.

If Ukraine is not victorious over Russian invasion, then we [NATO and USA] are not doing enough!

If Ukraine is not victorious over Russian invasion, then we [NATO and USA] are not doing enough!  It seems to me that with the weapons and military knowledge that Europe and the USA have that they would be able to figure out a method of regaining much of Ukraine territory.  There are 4 branches of USA military with lots of experienced staff/soldiers and it seems to me that along with governmental agencies, that the Ukraine could be supported in a much more effective and timely manner.

If the Ukraine needs more or better weapons, they should have received such ALREADY and be equipped to use them in an adequate manner.

I can understand the possible need to relinquish some territorial areas to save Russian “face”, even though it should not actually happen as they are the ones in the wrong in Ukraine.  However, Russia seems to want much more territory and I don’t think they will stop at the Eastern locations and they are now in the Southern locations too. Ukraine should be helped [at whatever cost] to retake the Southern locations and at least keep Russia at the limited Eastern locations.  However, if Russia keeps any Ukraine territory, they will restart a war at some future time and take more and more Ukraine territory.  Also, it will not stop there.  They are threatening Poland and Finland already and NATO in general.

NATO and the USA should stop being so weak and untimely in response to the needs of the Ukraine.  It seems that the time lapse between promise and delivery is too long and cumbersome.

Also, if the Ukraine needs more boots on the ground, a way should be found to do so.  Russia cannot be allowed to win this “invasion”.

Gun Control will not solve the issue of violence

If violence is to be controlled, people have to be helped to see it is not the solution to a problem or issue.  Controlling guns is not the answer.  Guns that would be lethal can be made, stolen, illegally purchased, etc.  Bombs can be used and even rocks can be used to kill.

Potentially violent people need to be helped before they do something destructive.  They need to be found and helped!

Guns should be the right of any USA citizen should they want to have one.  Although assault weapons are questionable for citizens, the USA is not beyond invasion or takeover by outside or even inside groups.  Every citizen has the right to protect themselves and their family when needed.

Controlling guns only keep guns from normal people, those who seek violence with a gun will get one somehow anyway.

The USA needs more law following, moral teachings [and beliefs], family values, good examples from those in power at the top of the US government and even family and friends.  Those who are abused themselves, angry, frustrated, at a breaking point, or in need of help should receive help in dealing with whatever issue they have BEFORE they break and become violent and act upon it.

Great Replacement Theory

The Republican Party itself has been infiltrated by “hydra” [symbolically if not actually — this is a reference to a Captain America movie]. Thus, I believe the Republican Party itself is Replacement Theory in reality [over time]. It certainly is no longer conservative or constitutional. The Republican Party throughout the USA is using lies, misrepresentation, threats, and intimidation to create replacement of peoples normal behavior and concepts and even trying to replace normal votes with only their desired votes.

Also, America would not exist except we replaced the American Indians on their own territories [through violence, in most cases].

Russia is currently using replacement and exportation of Ukraine citizens to take territory from the Ukraine.

Even, the Catholic Church used replacement [theology through violence] in Middle and South America as well as other World locations.

Basically, I don’t see that the Democrats are using immigrants in a replacement theory situation. I don’t see anyone using replacement theory except for Republicans, extremists, and other such groups.

God does not support Anti-Abortion Concepts

Sorry, Christians, God does not support you in your Anti-Abortion concepts as you are presenting them. However, some evaluation and reasonableness should be used in the practice of abortion.

The abortion decision should be made as early as possible and completed soon thereafter. Later abortions should be made on the need of the pregnant woman and the baby [such as incest, rape, illness, diseases, condition of the fetus].

It should be known that in today’s World, you are not helping a baby to make it be born. You are not protecting a child to make it be born. In fact, it would be kindness to not have children at all [except those already here]. The World is not currently a good place to raise a child and the near and far future is even worse. If you are a Christian, you should read your Bible and see what is in store for humans in the “End Times”. It is not kind to bring a child into that future. It is not even kind to bring a child into current conditions of the World — even the USA and such countries. In fact, it is wondered if you hate children and want to make them needlessly suffer. It would be better to support birth control through all current and future methods. It would be better to take care of the children on Earth now. Many current children are hungry, homeless, abused, and worse. Some even end up horribly dead, ill, etc.

As a woman who could not have children [due to physical illnesses] and would have selfishly wanted them,  in these times, I would support abortion under many circumstances.

By the way, before legal abortion, there was abortion.  Women will have abortions for unwanted children even if it is illegal and dangerous no matter what the physical consequences are.  You are not stopping abortions by your anti-abortion behavior.  Even with my personal concepts, after making a decision to have an abortion, I would do illegal abortion, go to another state for one, go to another country for one.  I might even consider personal termination.  One way or another if I wanted an abortion, I would get one.

Another concept for you men ——– abstain, use birth control, or get neutered.

The World is full of violence, global warming [and results will worsen], bullying, threats, illnesses, diseases, hunger, abuse, and more. Focus on taking care of the children that are here now and protect them.

Having new born children now is a selfish act and not for the child. Face reality of the World you live in now.

By the way, any unborn fetus [at baby stage] if aborted will return to God and HE WILL TAKE GOOD CARE OF THEM FOR ETERNITY.

I am a moderate Republican with no party of which to be a member!

Thanks to the Trumpians and extremists in the Republican Party, I no longer have a party.  The existing Moderate Republicans are way out numbered by those in charge which seems to be Party Bosses throughout the country.  The independents have run Trump in their last two elections so they are not considerable either.  I wish the news media and others would stop referring the the Republican Party as conservative as they are no longer conservative or even pro-America.

As there is no other viable candidate, I will be voting for Biden next election and democratic until then.  The Republicans give me and others like me no choice.  It is either Biden [or whoever is democratic] or no one.  It is the lessor of two evils.  All those trying to run on the GOP seems to be Trumpian in nature or wantabe’s.

Russia is solely to blame if there is a World War III

Russia keeps blaming others for a potential World War III, but Russia is solely to blame if there is a World War III over the Ukraine events.  Russia should NOT have invaded the Ukraine and does NOT have the right to tell anyone to do anything especially regarding joining NATO, arming the Ukraine, or anything else.  Russia alone decided to invade the Ukraine to steel its land, people, and resources.

I hope “History” records the Ukraine/Russia invasion as Russia’s fault even if there are no people left on Earth.  Someone should record the events on gold tablets and preserve them somehow.  As far as I can see Russia is the only one threatening Nukes use in any form.

Russia is at fault for the Ukraine War and all related events, past, present, and future and even the daisy chained ones to come.

Russia, Ukraine, and the World

The USA and the World in general should be in support of the Ukraine.  The World in relation to Russia reminds me of Wilson dealing with Hitler.  His compromises and tip toe around Hitler did no good and war was the end result anyway.  If Russia is threatening enhanced war or extended war, then he has already decided to do so and just wants to blame others instead of himself. He will do it eventually.

Voting is EVERY USA Citizen’s right!

  • People need to help people get Federal/State — id/license with proof of citizenship and identity so citizens can vote if they desire to do so.
  • People need to help people get registered at their local registration office [getting proofs, filling out paperwork, transportation to/from sites, encouragement to endure process].
  • People need to get people either to the polling location or help with properly and complete filling out o mail-in voting paperwork [and submission of such in proper location/method].
  • People need to help people who are in long lines to vote [place holding for bathroom breaks, sitting capability, water on a hot day, warmth on a cold day].
  • There needs to be MORE VOTING LOCATIONS that are safe for workers and voters.  The drop boxes could be placed in more secure and monitored areas instead of removal of such.
  • People need encouragement to vote not discouragement, threats, or more inconvenience or blockage to vote.

Whether you are democratic, independent, republican, or some other group, you should have the right to vote if you are a citizen of the USA [born or naturalized].  You should have the right to be heard and considered, but not in violence, extreme aggressiveness, threats, or destruction.

The USA should improve regarding voting, not regress or continue to do those things of the past where protests are too aggressive, violent, or destructive.

Democratic, independent, republican, and other groups should be active in getting ALL groups out to vote in our next elections either local, mid-term, or Federal elections!

Let us ALL get out to vote [or mail-in] for all our upcoming elections and help others to do the same.  Let us have some sane, calm, and stable people running our country whether they are democratic, republican, or some other group.  The right or left of any party should not be in control of our country, but do deserve to be heard and considered.

Jan 6 is worse than 9/11 ……

9/11 was worse in death and destruction both at the time and long-term afterwards [health-wise], but it was an attack from outside sources. Jan 6 was an attach from our own people on our government.  Most countries who are destroyed through history are destroyed from within.  Jan 6 was much worse for our country than 9/11.  9/11 we came together, Jan 6 we were pulled in two.  We are now conceptually and potentially physically in a civil war which was enhanced by Jan 6 and long-term internal concepts and actions.


Trumpians are Trumpians even without Trump — It is a discriptive term of behaviour!

Trumpians are Trumpians even without Trump — It is a discriptive term of behaviour!

Link to listing of traits of a Trumpian even without Trump — Traits of a Trumpain

If Trump were to be removed from the head of the GOP and leading Americans who follow him, there would still be Trumpians and Trump Wantabes who would STILL have the same behavior, concepts, and aggression. The result of their actions would still be the same destruction and danger to democracy as we know it.

This fact does not remove responsibility from Trump for his actions and creation/pushing of lies which enhance the aggression of his followers.

USA is a Republic not a Democracy!

U.S. Government:  While often categorized as a democracy, the United States is more accurately defined as a constitutional federal republic. What does this mean? “Constitutional” refers to the fact that government in the United States is based on a Constitution which is the supreme law of the United States.

Extended Article on “What is a Republic”


Fascism is a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.

Extended Article on “Fascism”


I don’t think that the people backing Trump or the Radicals [not Conservatives] realize what government they will have or their life style that will be reality if they follow through with electing Trump or some other Trumpian Wannabe.  They will no longer be in a Democracy or Republic, but in a Fascist country run by radicals who are supporting white supremacist groups and out-of-control extremists. No one, including those who voted for it, will have any rights.

Cause of USA current problems NOT Biden’s fault

The current problems of the USA are not Biden’s fault in any way.  Fault can be placed at the hands of unmasked, not vaccinated Americans, Trump for his hinderance of many things related to health, economy, and his just causing unnecessary chaos and it  can also be placed at the fault at Congress for their inaction, inefficiency, and non-functioning behaviors.  At least Biden is trying, whereas these others are not even trying to do their jobs as lawmakers or citizens.

I do not say this as affiliated with any party as the Republican Party is a mess these days and I am very disappointed in them as they have let me down.