Category: In My Opinion

Cause of USA current problems NOT Biden’s fault

The current problems of the USA are not Biden’s fault in any way.  Fault can be placed at the hands of unmasked, not vaccinated Americans, Trump for his hinderance of many things related to health, economy, and his just causing unnecessary chaos and it  can also be placed at the fault at Congress for their inaction, inefficiency, and non-functioning behaviors.  At least Biden is trying, whereas these others are not even trying to do their jobs as lawmakers or citizens.

I do not say this as affiliated with any party as the Republican Party is a mess these days and I am very disappointed in them as they have let me down.

Trumpians are a threat to America!

The fact that the guilty republicans are not being or going to be punished for their part in Jan 6 and beyond behavior to destroy the American way of life and trying to prohibit people who have a right to vote from voting is a great threat to every American and America itself.  The American System is  capable of working for America.  However, the people who run it are not using the system as it was intended and thus it is not working well.  America has a three part system:  Congress, President, and Supreme Court.  However, it seems that these groups are not separate and being manipulated by the other groups to a non-functioning status.  There is a three part system for a reason:  they are to keep each in check.

America does not need a dictatorship by a person or a group.


Evangelicals who follow and support Trumpism are “fake” Evangelicals

Evangelical Christianity is a worldwide trans-denominational movement within Protestant Christianity that maintains the belief that the essence of the Gospel consists of the doctrine of salvation by grace alone, solely through faith in Jesus’s atonement. Evangelicals believe in the centrality of the conversion or “born again” experience in receiving salvation, in the authority of the Bible as God‘s revelation to humanity, and in spreading the Christian message.




Some GOP candidates should be ousted as soon as possible.

Some GOP candidates are not following or advocating the American System of Voting and thus against the American System.  No GOP candidate should be elected from now on if they are in the group who advocates anti-American policies for the American Voter!  No matter how good or bad in political issues they may be, they are not advocating the American way.

[By the way I am a disenchanted Republican who left the party affiliation due to their shenanigans.]

Trumpism — is NOT COMPATIBLE with God! — [and/or decent behavior & family values]

Trumpism and Trumpianistic:

Trumpism is a term for the political ideologies, social emotions, style of governance, political movement and set of mechanisms for acquiring
and keeping power that are associated with Donald Trump, and his political base.                   Source:


  • Lies [not even based on any tiny part of truth]
  • Threats
  • Instigation of Violence [in the public’s face no less]
  • Illegal Behaviors
  • Mean and hurtful verbal interactions with others especially women
  • Non-respectful of women [He thinks they liked to be groped and sexually assaulted as he think it is a pass because he dose not know the difference.]
  • Telling others what to think through threats and false influence
  • Radical and Insurrectionist Beliefs and Concepts
  • Anti-Democracy where everyone has a right to easily vote and speak their own point of view. [“Trumpism is greatest threat to American democracy since the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor” per Philip S. Gorski]
  • Inappropriate strong arming officials, agencies, and the general public in a detrimental result
  • Childish, erratic, temperamental, authoritarian, angry-resentful-vengeful, berserk, insulting, and emotional in a damaging manner
  • No caring or advocating the rights of anyone but one’s self while walking over or destroying anyone else’s rights [Claiming amendment rights but keeping others from having the same rights]
  • Supporting fringe behavior such as white supremacist and other extreme groups
  • Haveing a World War II Hitler like relationship with Trump and blindly following such a Nazi type leader [following such behaviour instead of decent behavior or God, himself] [According to civil rights lawyer Burt Neuborne and political theorist William E. Connolly, Trumpist rhetoric employs tropes similar to those used by fascists in Germany to persuade citizens (at first a minority) to give up democracy, by using a barrage of falsehoods, half-truths, personal invective, threats, xenophobia, national-security scares, religious bigotry, white racism, exploitation of economic insecurity, and a never-ending search for scapegoats. Neuborne found twenty parallel practices,[137] such as creating what amounts to an “alternate reality” in adherents’ minds, through direct communications, by nurturing a fawning mass media and by deriding scientists to erode the notion of objective truth;[138] organizing carefully orchestrated mass rallies;[139] bitterly attacking judges when legal cases are lost or rejected;[140] using an uninterrupted stream of lies, half-truths, insults, vituperation and innuendo designed to marginalize, demonize and eventually destroy opponents;[139] making jingoistic appeals to ultranationalist fervor;[139] and promising to slow, stop and even reverse the flow of “undesirable” ethnic groups who are cast as scapegoats for the nation’s ills ]
  • Lack of knowing good from bad [and teaching others and children such lack of knowledge including advocating that bad IS good and good IS bad]
  • Dark Corrupting Influence of others [keeping people from doing their jobs that they were elected to do ]
  • Discriminating on economic level, race, or where one lives
  • Transforming anxiety into anger and directing it at particular targets [dominance by reminding everybody of wrath AND force and others into submission thereby]
  • Creating barbaric, if not sub-human levels of consciousness with mindless anarchic goals [anarchic = with no controlling rules or principles to give order]
  • Creating a situation or atmosphere that is more combative and less ideological
  • Having and supporting narcissism [Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.]
  • Not complying with the rights of business owners to make rules for their establishments, business, media, etc. for the safety of other shoppers, users, or the safety of their business.  [Thinking your rights are more significant that anyone else’s rights to shop, eat, fly, post a message, etc.] [Obviously, businesses must follow legal laws for their businesses, but otherwise, they have the right to serve those whom they choose to serve: like refusing those who do not wear shoes, not bringing animals into a restaurant, not wearing a mask, not behaving in an appropriate manner, etc]
  • Destruction of property that is not yours or interfering with the operation of any system. [access to property or business, access to intersections or locations, vandalism, interference with normal operation of established functions]
  • Taking away other peoples rights and/or disregard for others rights.


By supporting Trump and his cohorts, you are aiding and abetting him/them in the above behavior
and are therefore  active participants in such behaviors.


You are supporting and following Trump and NOT God or family values !



{Trump is clearly stating that Christian groups are supporting him and extensively within his “base”.  I am clearly stating that you cannot be a practicing Christian and be in his “base” supporting and abetting him and his cohorts in this behavior.  At least other governmental groups do not flaunt their “shadowed” bad behavior publicly [on purpose] as good and appropriate behavior.  I know all governmental groups lie to the public on many occasions, but Trump and his cohorts are way over the line and flaunting such in our faces as good.  [I am a Christian and find this offensive.]


A Christian Group should have righteous indignation regarding this kind of behavior and not aid and support.

It should be harder to get party membership Democratic or Republican or Other

It should be harder to get party membership Democratic or Republican or Other.  Anyone can have a party membership without screening.  To join a party, a person should at least agree with most of the party’s positions on issues and policies.   A person will never agree with all such positions on issues and policies, but the GOP membership right now is mostly [it seems] not conservative or near right/left of conservative.  Extreme right or left members should join a party more in line with their concepts and not destroy an existing party that is not extreme or radical.  Such extremists or radicals should not be allowed to infiltrate [evenly slowly over years] a party and destroy its basic stance on issues and policies or their methods.

Early Voting and Mail-In Voting is needed!

The Republicans are wrong is wanting to limit voting by early voting and mail-in voting as well as drop boxes and such.  Voting should be made as easy as possible for registered voters.  Voters should be screened when they register as well as when they show up to vote [id or drivers license].  If voting by mail in or drop box, then their signature should be all that is required on the pre-mailed to them ballot system.

There should not be lines down the blocks of the entrance to voting places and especially in a pandemic period of time.   Again voting is our right and we should not have to go through so much to vote.  WE WANT PEOPLE TO VOTE and as many as possible of registered voters should be able to vote.  WE WANT MINORITIES TO VOTE TOO!  No one should be looking for ways to stop registered people from voting!  Just because they do not vote or you does not mean they should not vote.

Republican Party is now a Fringe Group and Doesn’t belong in top 2 party group!

There is a Trumpian Party or a Radical Party or an Extremist Party, but there is no Republican Party at this point of time or in the for see-able future especially with Trump involved. Maybe someone could create a new CONSERVATIVE party.

Also, seeking Revenge is childish particularly for such reasons as Trump plans to do so. It conflicts with Christian required behavior.  It is just wrong in any context.

If Trump creates a new party [which I do not believe he would], it should NOT be called Patriots or any derivative but be called something more appropriately in line with what it would be ….  like:  Radical, Extremist, Erratic, Irrational, Manic, Corybantic.  In no definition is his based party patriotic. Even if some of the so called Republican party supported policies are worth considering, his party has lost any functional policy concepts as they are buried in bad behavior.