Category: In My Opinion

To Musk/Trump: Cost Cut Salaries of Congress and Yourselves!

If the Maga/Hydra Party wants to do Trumps agenda and Project 2025 plan, then they should cut salaries of Congress, Trump appointees, Musk, etc.  They get paid thousands and thousands of dollars to NOT do their jobs anyway.  If agencies of government can be cut and are being cut, they these salaries SHOULD ALSO BE CUT.

If any said person does not receive a salary to cut, they should be fined a substantial monetary penalty equal to the pay cuts others get [in a percentage thereof that they will notice they had to longer have].

Also, the rich that want to pay less in taxes should be paying more in taxes anyway as they usually find loopholes or other ways to skirt out of paying taxes at a level they should be paying. If everyone else is going to hurt getting foods, medications, medical care, and other necessities, then the rich should not get tax cuts and should pay their fair share of their earnings [income] in taxes without the chicanery they usually utilize.

Only Acceptable Dictator is God through Jesus Christ

Trump should be impeached. He does NOT represent or reflect God’s Way or Will.  He is not a true conservative.  He and his National Evangelicals are counterfeit conservatives and have in their own minds changed the meaning of conservative.  The US government is no longer stable, just, truthful, or dependable.

The only acceptable dictator is God through Jesus Christ at the Second Coming.  The only acceptable KING OF KINGS is Jesus Christ.  God said so!

If a foreign country wanted to annihilate the USA, now would be a good time to initiate it as the whole country including government, military, and everything else is in chaos. If Iran assassinated Trump, instead of retaliation, Iran should be given a reward!


USA to become dictatorial communistic country under Trump

USA to become dictatorial communistic country under Trump.  It seems that MAGA/HYDRA Party [formerly known as GOP] is turning the USA into a communistic country with a dictator at its head.

By the way, the reason there is a civil service in Federal Gov’t is because loyalty for each new President did not work. The gov’t did not function well with each new turnover of Presidents so they instituted the civil service to create stability and functionality.  Apparently, Trump does not know his history or civics regarding the three sections of the government that is suppose to keep the sections from each gaining too much power.  Also, the President should not have more power than was designated in the first place.  It is set up that way for a reason.

Trump will be held accountable eventually!

Trump thinks that if he receives immunity while President or thereafter in a Earthly legal system, that he will not be held accountable for his actions or daisy chained effects thereof.  Even if he received such immunity, he WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE thereafter.

He will spend over 1000 years in Hell, face White Throne Judgement, and the Lake of Fire [alive or dead at time of being thrown into it].  He also has lead many people away from their faith and replaced God with himself in their lives and concepts.  Money or prison will not get him out of the accountability problem he will eventually face.  He is 78 going on 79 years and is a stressed man.  If I were him, I would spend much more time worrying about this than his legal trickeries.

Also, I hope he is impeached and found guilty of such.  He should leave the Presidency in disgrace.

NEVER forget Jan. 6 [govt vote overthrow attempt]

NEVER forget Jan. 6 attack.  It was an violent attempt to keep congress from processing voter [elector] decision as to who would be President.  It was not peaceful or just a protest.  It was aggressive and Congress was entered and vastly disrupted.  Trump encouraged it and that is proven by his pardons of those convicted of Jan 6 criminal acts. He may have even instigated it before hand.  In any case he was glad they did it and is still glad they did it.  He thinks they were heroes.

2020 was NOT stolen from Trump at all.


The USA should have helped Ukraine more than it has in its battle with Russia.  It should have had more effective weapons from the start and even boots on the ground from NATO members.

Trump should not be reprimanding Ukraine for withstanding Russia.  Russia should not have invaded Ukraine at all ever for any reason.  It is one thing for a country to voluntarily join another country of its own free will, but quite another thing for a country to invade by military force and just take another country just because they are smaller or weaker.  RUSSIA IS A FAULT FOR THE WAR, Trump!

Trump should be impeached as quickly as possible

Why does Trump think the Presidency should have its powers expanded.  The Presidency has certain powers and they should stay that way.  We have three sections of government that are suppose to work separately.  The President is not suppose to control all of the government.  The three sections are to keep each other in balance so no one section controls everything.  It works best that way.

The President is to work his job withing the parameters of the constitution and the way the government works.  If he cannot do so, he should not be President.

The constitution is very important and should not be discarded even on the government website.

When Trump dies – he is not ever going to be important or influential again

I don’t know where Trump intends to go when he dies, but I cannot think of anywhere he would want to go.

His choices:


  • God rules and everything is done God’s way.  One cannot use God to do things one’s own way.
  • Citizens of Heaven are humble and care about others as well as actually help others.
  • One has to repent to go there.
  • One has to give praise, glory, and worship to God there.
  • One cannot seek importance, higher positions, fame, popularity, influence.
  • One cannot wheel and deal in heaven or use questionable tactics to get what one wants.
  • One has to want what God wants not what one wants.
  • By the way, to go to Heaven, one has to repent one’s sins, accept Jesus as savior [paid sin penalty], and freely accept doing everything God’s Way!

Satan’s World [if he won, which he won’t]:

  • One would have to worship and do Satan’s will not one’s own will.
  • One cannot seek importance, higher positions, fame, popularity, influence.
  • One would need Satan’s permission to do anything especially wheel and deal.
  • One would have to interact with very bad entities and situations.
  • By the way, if one chooses this path, one ends up in Hell, Judgement, and Lake of Fire.

Non-existence [dissipation of all energy and essence of what makes a human – other than body that goes in Earth] or atheist:

  • One cannot seek importance, higher positions, fame, popularity, influence.
  • One is just gone and dissipated into the cosmos where all is dispersed.
  • By the way, if one chooses this path, one ends up in Hell, Judgement, and Lake of Fire.


Hell [awaiting judgement, punishment, and dissolved in Lake of Fire]

  • One is supervised by good angels so one cannot do whatever one wants to do.  Hell is run God’s Way by God’s Angels not Satan’s Angels or Demons.
  • One will be in small location and solitary confinement, without company, community, fellowships, or friendships.
  • One does not have a sense of purpose or accomplishment.
  • One has little to do except remember one’s life and the now absence of amenities one once had. [regrets are remembered].
  • One has a life of minimal existence [no amenities].
  • One is probably bored with nothing interesting to do [agonizingly dull] [utter inactivity].
  • One is realizing diminishing person hood and knowledge of insignificance.
  • There is the absence of God and all that is good. One knows one is going to Judgement, punishment, and the Lake of Fire [either alive or dead].
  • One knows one has lead many to the same situation and one is punished for leading them to such so one gets maximum punishments [maybe thrown into Lake of Fire alive or for longer time before dissolving body].
  • One knows that whatever one did on Earth during one’s life is gone, not-remembered, and made no lasting significance. There will be no lasting legacy or importance to anything done, built, or created.
  • It will probably be warm [one will not be in fire] as Hell is in the inner Earth somewhere either in this dimension or another dimension. One will be in spirit bodies of some kind as one’s Earthly body will be buried, cremated, or whatever. In one’s spirit body, one can withstand and endure such warmth, but will most likely not like it.
  • One will NOT be tortured by anyone or anything as Hell is probably one of the most safe places that exist – while one is there. one will not be in torment except by possibly by one’s own doing or one’s own memories, regrets, and response to no amenities.
  • etc.


However, as a  Christian, I hope Trump repents [to God], is saved through belief in Jesus Christ [who paid sin penalty], and goes to Heaven and learns to be happy there.

I also hope Trump does not have a traumatic, painful death that lingers, but that Trump goes quickly, painlessly, and without mental anguish. — Otherwise, at the end of Trump’s life, Trump will have a difficult time with nurses, inactivity, no influence, no importance, no popularity, no honor, no respect, and no one caring.  However, I do hope that as former President, Trump does not get flags lowered or honor, or respect and gets a minimum Federal funeral with as little pomp as possible.

Noted:  Any religion that is chosen that does not accept salvation through Jesus Christ [as paying the sin penalty] ends up with the person in Hell, Judgement, and Lake of Fire no matter what they think or believe.  There are only two choices of end result: Heaven or Lake of Fire.

Inauguration Invites are actually a middle finger to Trump

“Trump’s Inauguration Invites Are Huge Middle Finger to Biden” heading on a recent article on the internet site.


However, it is actually a middle finger to Trump.  He is surrounding himself by wealthy awful people whom he is catering to in politics now and the next 4 years. Every time he does anything, Trump shows what kind of awful person he is inside and out.

Fragile Ego of Trump!

“Flags to be raised to full staff for Trump’s inauguration”.  is a heading regarding Texas.  Flags are already raised at Mar-a-Lago. Johnson states flags to be raised for inauguration in Washington DC.

The only reason for this is Trump’s ego.  He is a narcissist.  He should be able to show respect for a dead former president without feeling slighted.  Is his ego “SO” fragile? 

Why Trump is popular [with some Americans]?

The people Trump is popular with are awful people even if they think they are not.  If they would support Trump who is the following, then they must be the same kind of person or at least support such behavior.

They are selfish, greedy, non-compassionate, without ethics or morality, unreasonably aggressive, poor in character, rebellious, destructive,  have poor evaluation skills, don’t think ahead of daisy chain results, embrace sin and evil, support breaking the laws of the land without penalties, anti-constitution, not supportive of God or HIS will, support mistreatment of others [physical and verbal] while bitching about their own rights only. believe lies as truths and reject truths along with reality, not respective of women, support childish behaviors as well as tantrum throwing, vengeful behavior, supporting fringe behavior as well as extreme groups, approve of using scapegoats instead of taking responsibilities, support fraud-cheating-scams, support and cause toxic situations, want respect and honor but honor and respect nothing or anyone, are narcissistic, support the rich becoming richer at the expense of the middle class, working class, and poor, AND do not live in reality because they are deluded or have poor cognitive abilities.


Update 1/18/2025

Maybe most of the country is not as bad as I thought?

Trump beat Vice President Kamala Harris in the popular vote by less than 1.5%; only one election in the last half-century (in 2000) was closer. And the razor-thin margins by which Republicans control both the House and the Senate testify to how closely the electorate is divided.

A new Marist/NPR poll puts it at just 44%; 49% say they disapprove of him. The Economist/YouGov poll gives him a similar 45/51 split, while a USA Today/Suffolk University survey has his favorability/unfavorability at 47% each.

Trump should be tried for Sedition and Insurrection against the USA!

Trump should be put on trial for Sedition and Insurrection regarding Jan 6 and his actions throughout 2021 to cause trouble for America and its people.  He has done everything he can to disrupt the following of laws and functioning of not only the government of the USA but the functioning of everyday living of its people including economic, governmental, and health issues.

Some of Congress and White House staff, etc should also be put on trial for Sedition and Insurrection as well.


It is 2025 now, Trump and his cronies are still causing unnecessary trouble and chaos.  Why they are calling it sedition and insurrection, I do not know.  It is treason and there has been some collusion with foreign entities. Trump admires and considers such entities as friends.

He is emulating their rhetoric, actions, behavior, and concepts.  He even talks of taking Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal.  He is talking aggression. He apparently thinks he is Putin.

New Trump Hat

The only dictator that should exist on Earth ever, is God the Father through Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit.  God through Jesus is the only dictator that will work.  He is the only one who can handle it and designated to do so by God!  Even God allows criticism, but not a coup.

Also, a President is not the same thing as a dictator even though Putin thinks they are the same.

Trump and GOP are out of line

Gov. Newson is not to blame for Calif wildfire damage.  Calif. has had drought, limitations of water usage, and heavy winds.  Whether he could have handled things better — who knows.  In such an emergency, one does the best they can.  Trump and the GOP [Maga/Hydra Party] is way out of line trying to blame Newson for the condition of Calif.

If anything, Trump [as incoming President soon] should be preparing his response to HELP Calif with whatever is needed after the emergency subsides not casting blame. His media presentations on the issue should be one of offering whatever help is available.  He should be expressing compassion to those who have lost their homes and possessions and some even their lives or loved ones.