Trump/Musk are abusing the elderly, sick, handicapped, and children AND should be criminally held responsible!

If Soc. Sec. collapsed, a person could sign up for Welfare, but that takes time and they too are have their funding cut. There are millions of people on Soc. Sec. let alone SSI who would swamp to Welfare Dept. which also has fewer workers to do the processing.

I and others would most likely have a roof over my/their head for a while as 30% of 0 = $0. This assumes that HUD still is in operation?

I think Trump/Musk are abusing and causing undo stress on old, sick, young, and handicapped people. They should be sued for harassment and abuse of the elderly as well as others.  I don’t know if abuse of elderly is a crime, but it should be and Trump should be held accountable even if the Soc. Sec. does not collapse as it is a threat to the elderly and such.  Thus, it is undo stress and abuse of such people currently.