Trump Voters/Supporters and MAGA/HYDRA members:
How can cruel, greedy, corrupt, etc — evil result in anything good? How can you expect good from total bad? How can you expect truth from lies? If someone screws everyone else, how can you expect them to not screw you?
If someone admires and supports communism, authoritarianism, etc, how can you expect them to support you an everyday person who has everyday survival needs? If someone supports and admires dictators who screw their country’s citizens and abuses their countrymen, how can you expect them to do less to you. If someone kills their own citizens because of an expressed concept that is not that someone’s, how can you expect them not to do so to you or your family?
Trump has always expressed admiration and desire to be like Putin and other Dictators, how can you expect him to run a democracy? Trump and MAGA has always supported Russia and China methods of doing things, how can you expect him not to emulate and follow their actions. These countries use their country’s military to do their biding and not the country’s biding, so how can you expect Trump/MAGA-HYDRA to do anything less?
If someone [MAGA-HYDRA] in Congress supports and spouts Russian propaganda, how can you expect them to support America?
If someone breaks the laws and has no regard for law or courts, how can you expect them to make laws and courts function to run the country free from criminals? How can you put criminals in charge of your country?
If someone supports white supremacy, how can you expect them to care about every day diverse people?