A person/country is not worth saving if it becomes evil through evil behavior.

If a person or country uses bad behavior/actions to save the person or country, the person or country that survives will NOT be the person or country that one was trying to save.  The person or country will be no more ever.  It has changed to such a degree that it is not worth saving anymore and should not be in existence.

A person or country should stand for what it is without becoming what it should not be.  Using illegal methods is not justified for saving anything.

Also, when laws are broken for saving something, the person or country becomes lawless.  If the President can break laws then anyone [important or not] can break the laws.  There becomes no laws of the land anymore.  The President should be an example of following the laws not an example of breaking them.  His breaking the laws for any reason tells children and citizens as well as foreign groups that it is OK to break all the laws.  They can do whatever they want anytime they want and anywhere they want.

Our country SHOULD stand for something NOT nothing.  I understand that Trump and Musk and his inner group as well as his followers do not understand this concept as they have horrible corrupt behavior and concepts.

Even God follows his systems concepts and laws as he expects us to do the same.