Cost cuts are needed, but in a responsible manner — Musk/Trump

Magaland [use to be America] does need a reduction in all costs including government at all levels including states and cities, BUT it needs to be done in a calm, organized, thought out manner using cognitive capabilities and evaluation skills for the NOW, DAISY CHAINED EFFECTS, AND FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY.

Discarded employees need to be employed and not thrown out into the jobless — maybe even the unemployment, welfare, and other funding.  They also need medical care provided.  Such funding is being eliminated or reduced so they cannot cover the daisy chained people to be involved.

Also, there are those already in need of help financially, housing, medical, and food that still need to be taken care of and cannot just be ignored. These people include all ages and cannot just be left to die on the streets or anywhere else.

Global warming needs to also be handled and not ignored as not existent.  Just because someone says it is not true does not make it not true.  We still have the effects and future effects coming quickly upon us.

Bottom line: It needs to be done in a calm, organized, thought out manner using cognitive capabilities and evaluation skills for the NOW, DAISY CHAINED EFFECTS, AND FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY.