Democracy should be preserved [at least until Jesus Christ returns].
There are three parts of our government: Supreme Court, Congress, and Presidency. They are to work separately and counter balance each other so no one of them is more powerful than the other. Our Constitution should also be in effect. The President should not have as much power as Trump thinks it should have as the whole governmental system is set up so that no one division has more power than the other two.
Two things should happen: President Trump impeached and USA boots on the ground in Ukraine [to help the Ukraine not Russia] and other locations to protect democracy where it exists.
As China is a major creditor of America, so I can see why the dismantling of government in the USA. However, the method and process is not appropriate. The President should not be doing what he is doing. Congress handles the budget with the President veto or passing it. The President can have input, but not total control. Also Musk was not elected and thus should have no power as he has. The US government does need to cut down costs [We cannot continue to borrow as we have done in the past.], however, the US government still has to function.
By the way, the USA Military is for America and not for Trump. Its member loyalty must be to America and NOT Trump. The President is Commander-in-Chief of the Military, but there are limits and his function thereof is not to be personal FOR him, but loyalty to America and for America’s needs!