Our government via MAGA/HYDRA members including Trump and Musk are at war with the American public.

Trump is living in a fantasy world and has lost touch with reality.  He may be senile with a cognitive handicap.

Musk is just crazy with power and moving about the government with a sledge hammer swinging it without rime or reason.

Musk and Trump have not considered the effects of what they are doing and that it all will trickle down to society and will have horrible daisy chained results.

If I were a foreign group, I would attack America now as we could not defend ourselves due to all the chaos. As for helping other countries, we cannot help ourselves even.

Trump and Musk and the MAGA/HYDRA Party is at war with the USA citizens.  They seem more interested in pleasing China and Russia than the USA citizens.

Bottom Line:  Our government via MAGA/HYDRA members including Trump and Musk are at war with the American public.


I just joined the “Forward Party”

I was/am at heart a Middle [central] Republican, but MAGA/HYDRA Party killed the GOP.

Today, 3/5/2025, I joined the Forward Party, which supports democracy, Ukraine, NATO, and United Nations.  The Forward Party seems to have both old version of Republicans and old version of Democrats in it as well as others. It says it supports the constitution as well.

The Forward Party does not seem as well advertised or publicly presented as the other parties.  Maybe in the near future they will be more prominent.


Trump/Musk are abusing the elderly, sick, handicapped, and children AND should be criminally held responsible!

If Soc. Sec. collapsed, a person could sign up for Welfare, but that takes time and they too are have their funding cut. There are millions of people on Soc. Sec. let alone SSI who would swamp to Welfare Dept. which also has fewer workers to do the processing.

I and others would most likely have a roof over my/their head for a while as 30% of 0 = $0. This assumes that HUD still is in operation?

I think Trump/Musk are abusing and causing undo stress on old, sick, young, and handicapped people. They should be sued for harassment and abuse of the elderly as well as others.  I don’t know if abuse of elderly is a crime, but it should be and Trump should be held accountable even if the Soc. Sec. does not collapse as it is a threat to the elderly and such.  Thus, it is undo stress and abuse of such people currently.

Congress and Supreme Court should start doing their jobs and put President Trump in “his place”.

It is the job of the two other parts of government to keep the Presidency from getting more power than the Presidency should have.  There are three parts of government:  Congress, Supreme Court, and Presidency and they exist that way to keep each part to not taking more power than they are to have.

Why should Congress people or Supreme Court get pay raises for NOT doing their jobs?  Also, why are they NOT keeping the Presidency from gaining more power than he is suppose to have under our way of government.

Thus, Congress and Supreme Court should start doing their jobs and put President Trump in “his place”.  He should NOT be getting more power or influence than he should have had!


Public Schools should NOT teach religion

Religion has many divisions of teachings and Public School Teachers are NOT qualified to teach religion except generally.  If Religion is taught it should be taught as part of a many religion course that also includes the many religions around the World.

If parents want their children taught Christianity, they should enroll them in a school that teaches their division choice.  Not all Christians are Catholic.  Also, parents can take their children to their Church of choice as well.  There are other organizations to choose from as well … like camps, daily vacation Bible School, etc.

If cuts are necessary, then Musk/Trump should NOT give out $5000 to anyone.

If it is necessary to cut government costs, cut medicare, cut medicaid, cut various government services, and totally mess up the government in the process, where is Musk and Trump getting the money for the $5000 they are considering for the public?  Personally, I am not for sale for $5000 and don’t want the money especially as so many cuts are being made.  Getting $5000 is not worth hurting those who need public assistance in medicare, medicaid, and other agencies being cut.

It would be more helpful to cut costs, lower tariffs, and have necessary services for the American public.


Trump remains critical of Zelensky, who should be admired instead!

Trump Remains critical of Zelensky, but Trump should admire Zelensky instead. We all should.

Zelensky has done an impossible job and survived this long. It is a miracle he has not been assassinated. He cares about his Country, his fellow citizens, the Ukraine soldiers, Ukraine children, etc. He has tried hard to deal with corruption when it was found. He has dealt with limited funds, weapons, and equipment as well as limited soldiers [compared to Russia]. He has dealt with trying to get money and weapons for his soldiers and the war. He and his country is fighting a war they did NOT start from a country that INVADED the country without cause [except greed to take the resources of the Ukraine as well as land and children].

He has dealt with infrastructure problems, war-related problems, foreign slowness in funding and weapons, poor or old weapons, foreign misinformed judgements, broken promises, lack of enough soldiers to fight a powerful country with lots of soldiers, not being able to have other country boots on the ground when Russia has other countries with boots on Ukraine soil to fight on their side [which I don’t understand the logic of why they get told they cannot], bad weather, lacking heat, water, etc.

Trump has no bitch coming or judgement allowed as Trump does not care about America, its citizens, its soldiers, its children, its form of government, the real function of the USA military, corruption, lies, or anything that is not him and his control issues.

Zelensky is not perfect and has made mistakes along the way, but he sure has tried to help his country!

Why are American Citizens letting Trump give “all” to Putin?

Trump is in-process of handing Ukraine, Europe, and USA to Russians and China.  Trump [as one article on internet said] is “in bed” with Russia.  He calls himself King and wants to be a Dictator.  Why are Americans letting get away with it?  Trump has a BroRomance with Putin.

If America lets Trump turn America into a Dictatorship with a King instead of our Constitutional System, then it is would be time to consider a “Civil War” or breaking yo the states into individual countries [or grouped] with their own leaders.

Do we want to live in a country like Russia or China?

How can good results come from total bad concepts/actions?

Trump Voters/Supporters and MAGA/HYDRA members:

How can cruel, greedy, corrupt, etc — evil result in anything good? How can you expect good from total bad?  How can you expect truth from lies?  If someone screws everyone else, how can you expect them to not screw you?

If someone admires and supports communism, authoritarianism, etc, how can you expect them to support you an everyday person who has everyday survival needs?     If someone supports and admires dictators who screw their country’s citizens and abuses their countrymen, how can you expect them to do less to you.  If someone kills their own citizens because of an expressed concept that is not that someone’s, how can you expect them not to do so to you or your family?

Trump has always expressed admiration and desire to be like Putin and other Dictators, how can you expect him to run a democracy?  Trump and MAGA has always supported Russia and China methods of doing things, how can you expect him not to emulate and follow their actions.  These countries use their country’s military to do their biding and not the country’s biding, so how can you expect Trump/MAGA-HYDRA to do anything less?

If someone [MAGA-HYDRA] in Congress supports and spouts Russian propaganda, how can you expect them to support America?

If someone breaks the laws and has no regard for law or courts, how can you expect them to make laws and courts function to run the country free from criminals?  How can you put criminals in charge of your country?

If someone supports white supremacy, how can you expect them to care about every day diverse people?

There is a difference between Putin’s Presidency and USA Presidency

Trump:  Putin may call himself President of Russia, but he is a Dictator only. The Parliament in Russia is mostly for show and ineffective.  When you do not let someone run against you just because they may win and/or you have to use military force to get people to vote for you and/or you have to have a part of your country revote because they did not vote for you and you wanted it to look like you won everywhere and/or your citizens live in fear of not voting for you, then you are not voted in as a President.  You are a Dictator!

It seems like Trump wants to be a cloned Putin only in this country.  He wants to be a Dictator and not President.  A President of this country would follow the constitution and the laws of the land.  A President would work withing the job power level of the Presidency and NOT make it into a power level of a Dictator.

A person/country is not worth saving if it becomes evil through evil behavior.

If a person or country uses bad behavior/actions to save the person or country, the person or country that survives will NOT be the person or country that one was trying to save.  The person or country will be no more ever.  It has changed to such a degree that it is not worth saving anymore and should not be in existence.

A person or country should stand for what it is without becoming what it should not be.  Using illegal methods is not justified for saving anything.

Also, when laws are broken for saving something, the person or country becomes lawless.  If the President can break laws then anyone [important or not] can break the laws.  There becomes no laws of the land anymore.  The President should be an example of following the laws not an example of breaking them.  His breaking the laws for any reason tells children and citizens as well as foreign groups that it is OK to break all the laws.  They can do whatever they want anytime they want and anywhere they want.

Our country SHOULD stand for something NOT nothing.  I understand that Trump and Musk and his inner group as well as his followers do not understand this concept as they have horrible corrupt behavior and concepts.

Even God follows his systems concepts and laws as he expects us to do the same.

Democracy should be preserved

Democracy should be preserved [at least until Jesus Christ returns].

There are three parts of our government:  Supreme Court, Congress, and Presidency.  They are to work separately and counter balance each other so no one of them is more powerful than the other.  Our Constitution should also be in effect.  The President should not have as much power as Trump thinks it should have as the whole governmental system is set up so that no one division has more power than the other two.

Two things should happen:  President Trump impeached and USA boots on the ground in Ukraine [to help the Ukraine not Russia] and other locations to protect democracy where it exists.

As China is a major creditor of America, so I can see why the dismantling of government in the USA.  However, the method and process is not appropriate.  The President should not be doing what he is doing.  Congress handles the budget with the President veto or passing it.  The President can have input, but not total control.  Also Musk was not elected and thus should have no power as he has. The US government does need to cut down costs [We cannot continue to borrow as we have done in the past.], however, the US government still has to function.

By the way, the USA Military is for America and not for Trump.  Its member loyalty must be to America and NOT Trump.  The President is Commander-in-Chief of the Military, but there are limits and his function thereof is not to be personal FOR him, but loyalty to America and for America’s  needs!

Cost cuts are needed, but in a responsible manner — Musk/Trump

Magaland [use to be America] does need a reduction in all costs including government at all levels including states and cities, BUT it needs to be done in a calm, organized, thought out manner using cognitive capabilities and evaluation skills for the NOW, DAISY CHAINED EFFECTS, AND FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY.

Discarded employees need to be employed and not thrown out into the jobless — maybe even the unemployment, welfare, and other funding.  They also need medical care provided.  Such funding is being eliminated or reduced so they cannot cover the daisy chained people to be involved.

Also, there are those already in need of help financially, housing, medical, and food that still need to be taken care of and cannot just be ignored. These people include all ages and cannot just be left to die on the streets or anywhere else.

Global warming needs to also be handled and not ignored as not existent.  Just because someone says it is not true does not make it not true.  We still have the effects and future effects coming quickly upon us.

Bottom line: It needs to be done in a calm, organized, thought out manner using cognitive capabilities and evaluation skills for the NOW, DAISY CHAINED EFFECTS, AND FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY.