A thought!

When one is young, one worries about being smart enough to get through school, college, and find a job.  When one gets old one does not worry about being smart enough, but does worry about getting dementia or senility and remembering for what they went to the kitchen.

USA leaders should be doing things that are good for the USA and its citizens

It should also be known:   In America, our leaders should be doing things that are good for America and its citizens and not things for themselves either in influence, power, revenge, getting into the news to make their name known or trouble making for the other party or parties.  They should not be in government to show how the other party/parties are awful or what they have done wrong, but are in government to do their jobs and try to make things better by passing laws, conducting themselves in a civil manner, investigating [things that actually need investigating and not just revenge or to make the other party/parties look bad], etc.  Elected government members are in office to do their jobs, not to just work on getting elected next time there is such an election and/or to work on getting the next position up on the governmental ladder.

It would be nice if a time slot was marked for electioneering and not be for the next 4 years after a major election.  Personally, I am sick of such for such a continuous long period of time.

There should be a peaceful transfer of positions and a smooth one [without “steal” remarks].  By the way, “steal” remarks are mostly saying to the American people that no one stole anything, but that one side did better at their manipulations, presentations, and sometimes trickery [which both sides in history have done].  Once a party is in a position in government, accept it, they did better at electioneering than you did.

Actually, I don’t understand why a person should be reelected or moved up the governmental ladder, if they are not doing their job in the first place.